The sharpest lives chapter 18**

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I awoke from the blinding light seeping through the curtains. I sat up at stretched when Gerard caught my eye. He was asleep on the floor with just a pillow. I smiled to my self. He was so cute. I sat next to him for a while, I know it may come across as a bit creepy but I loved watching him sleep. He was so peaceful. 

I wonder what I actually meant to him? Was I just another girl that he got off with? A buzz of a phone interupted my thoughts. It was Gerard's. I shuffled over to the spot where his phone was, connected to the charger in the wall. His phone read 1 message from "Laura". I put the phone down. It wasn't any of my business to go snooping down his phone was it? 

I walked into the bathroom and has a long shower. When I had finished Gerard was still sound asleep. I sat on the bed, staring at the phone that was still plugged into the charger. Fuck it I though. I unplugged the phone from the charger once again and slid it into my back pocket. I slipped on my vans and grabbed my penny board. As I was walking down the stairs I bumped into Mikey. 

"Hey Rain. Why are you up so early?" He asked.

I looked at my watch. It was only 5:30. 

"I couldn't sleep so I decided that i'd go out for a bit" 

This wasn't technically a lie, but either way I didn't like to not be 100% truthful to Mikey because has been there for me when I have needed him.

Mikey yawned and walked back into his bedroom. I walked down the stairs and opened the front door. I closed it quietly, trying not to wake Gerard. 

*****5 MINUTES LATER*****

I finally got the park. I skated over to a bench and sat down. As I sat down I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I remembered that was the whole reason I came out, to look at the message 'Laura' had sent. I slid the phone out of my back pocket and opened the now 2 messages. 

Laura: Hey baby when are we meeting soon? Haven't spoken for a bit and was wondering when we can meet. Miss you loads, L xxoxo

What? What is this? I looked down and opened the second message.

Laura: Baby it's early but your always up early. Whats wrong lately? We used to talk all day and fuck all night! lol! Call me honey oxoxoxox

My heart broke into one million fucking pieces. 



I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like 2 months, but I have started my GCSE's ( big exams) and I have so much work. :'(

I am going to try and upload every Wednesday!




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