The sharpest lives chapter 21**

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I slowly walked over to my car and got it. My head hit the steering wheel as if it was in slow motion. I hated myself. Laura. Why now? It had been 2 years. I picked up the phone and dialed Laura's number.

"Hello baby oh my I've missed you so much wow where have you bee-"

I cut her off before she even started.

"Listen Laura. We were over two years ago. Okay? You have just broken the girl of my dreams' heart. Don't ever ever call me or try and contact me ever again in any way okay?" 

I heard heavy breathing on the end of the line. After what seemed an eternity she replied.

"Sure whatever jackass." and with that the phone call ended.

I drove home with tears in my eyes, trying not to release them onto my skin. As I pulled up into the drive way, i was greeted by a very worried Mikey.

"Gee, she's gone. What did you fucking do?!" Mikey shouted as he pushed my shoulders.

I looked into his eyes as I felt my tears being released from my eyes. 

"I don't fucking know Mikey okay? I fucking think i'm in love with her okay?!" I screamed at Mikey and pushed past him running into the house.

I walk into the kitchen to look for some alcohol to help me calm down, but instead was greeted by a note on the counter;


Yeah I am leaving, and I know it will break my heart but I can't keep holding on to something that isn't there. Stay strong for Mikey and for me okay? I saw the blades, drink and drugs in your drawer. But I don't give a fuck remember? I'm just a fuck over.


 This is when I broke down. I grabbed the bottles of alcohol from the cupboard and ran to my room ignoring Mikey calling me from the lounge. I stumbled up the stairs and stalked to my room locking it on the way in. I sat on the wooden floor and opened the bedside drawer. I grabbed a stash of cocaine and my blades. I opened the bottle of vodka and gulped it down. The bitter taste filled my throat as I gagged. I took a clean blade to my wrist. I felt the blood trickle down my arm as I took another big gulp from the bottle. After around six slices to my wrist i dropped the blade and looked at the blood dripping. I quickly let the cocaine fill my nose. I didn't need a silly little school girl. That was the last thing before I fell and felt a pain in my head.

Everything went black.



Sorry this is quite short D:

This fanfiction has just reached 1.2k omfg. like woahhh seriously. ILYSM

I hope your liking the story so far, please comment on what you think ;3


I am trying hard to update in my spare time so bear with meh. <3


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