The sharpest lives chapter 37**

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I start to kiss Samantha. Why? I don't know. I just want to kiss someone right now.

I want to kiss my darling.


I push Samantha off of me.

"I can't do this. I love Rain" I cry.

Samantha looks at me with a weird expression.

"You love Rain? The little emo? Wow your standards are fucking low!" She laughs.

I run over to the cupboard and turn the handle.

"Yes I love Rain. I always will."

I turn the handle and flick on the light. Samantha screams and rushes to the door. I just stand like a statue at what i am witnessing. 

My beautiful Rain is hanging from the light bulb. Her lifeless body is hanging. I rush over and hold her up, while Samantha pulls the stool underneath Rain. 


Samantha runs back with the pen knife, and i start to cut the rope from around Rains delicate neck. Tears are running down my cheeks, and my nose is running. Finally, for what seems like forever Rain is set free from the rope and is set in my arms. She is pale, but still beautiful.

"CALL 911 NOW" I scream once again. 

The headmaster rushes in and screams at what he is witnessing at this moment in time. 

This moment feels like it is in slow motion. Rain is draped over my lap, with my hand stroking her soft hair. She is limp and lifeless. Her lips are blue, but they are still Rain's kissable lips. Her eyes are wide open, as if she is staring into my sad soul. Tears pour out of my eyes and onto rains perfect frame of a face. My moment with this angel is taken as the paramedics storm in and place Rain on a stretcher and wheel her quickly out of the school.

I am left sitting on the cold floor, that Rain once decided she was going to leave this world. My head falls to my hands. I stand up and start punches the wall. I kick things that had already fallen, when Rain was in a troubled place.

"There's just to much that time cannot erase" I mutter under my breath.

I sit back down in the corner. In the corner of my eye I see a scrunched up piece of paper. I crawl over to it. I slowly open it, realizing it was a note. Left by an angel.


He doesn't love me.

He never told me, so why should I believe it. He's out there right now with her.

While I'm here. Maybe he will just forget me if I leave this world? He doesn't love me.

Never will. He just used me. I'm worthless. Not needed. I love him. Yes. I love my school teacher.

Gerard Way.

But tonight I will love him for the last time. I wont feel any pain anymore. Because tonight. Tonight. And the worst thing is that there is no one else to blame.

No one else to blame.

I sit there for a while. She blames her self for everything. And now she could be dead.



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