The sharpest lives chapter 26**

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I'm running. Running in the rain. Running away from everything and everyone. I don't belong in this world. It is now 7:30pm and it is starting to get dark. I shouldn't have trusted Gerard after the whole Laura situation but I couldn't help it. My phone starts vibrating. I slide it out from my back pocket and see who the caller ID is. Mikey. I can't talk to anyone right now. I finally get to the bridge that I have been searching for, and running to. I don't usually go around here late at night because, well this is New Jersey and loads of shit happens here. I grab my back pack and un zip it. I carry my babies around with me everywhere.


I roll up my tattered sleeve and press the cold blade against my skin. Yes. It feels like home. But I can't go back home. I have no home. I hate myself for letting life get so bad. Fuck it.


I've called Rain around 20 times now and no answer. Gerard's not back yet. I don't know what to do. 


I've lost her forever now. I hate myself. I walk towards the pub that is across the street. I look back to see if I can see Rain. It's no use. I walk into the pub where the stench of alcohol hits my noise and loud music fills my ears.

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