The sharpest lives chapter 17**

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I watched rain stomp upstairs as Gerard drags himself into the lounge.

"I don't see why you angry? Yeah I was out late but I always am." Gerard spoke.

"You was with Rain. She could have got hurt Gerard."

"Mikey she was with me, she would have been safe." Gerard growled.

I look up at Gerard who's fists are clenched.

"Why was you carrying her, and why was she nuzzling your fucking neck Gerard?!" I shout.

Gerard looks at me.

"Mikey... You know I like Rain. You know I can't help it. I'm sor-"

"No Gerard. You listen. Rain is not one of you blonde bimbos that you can fuck then throw out. She is my friend and your student. I hope you fucking remember that. She is your student. Does she even like you? She probably doesn't Gerard. I'm sorry but you need to fucking re think this." I raise my voice, scaring myself let alone Gerard.

I open and then slam the door behind me. I stalk upstairs and run to my room.


"No Gerard. You listen. Rain is not one of you blonde bimbos that you can fuck then throw out. She is my friend and your student. I hope you fucking remember that. She is your student. Does she even like you? She probably doesn't Gerard. I'm sorry but you need to fucking re think this." Mikey shouts, scaring me and making me lean back.

He would actually think I would do that? Yeah I really really do like Rain but I'm going to respect her.

Mikey runs out of the room slamming the door hard behind him. I stand up and open the door and switching off the light. I slowly walk upstairs and enter my bedroom.


She is asleep in my bed, curled up. God she is fucking cute.

I grab a clean pair of boxers and slip of my skinnys and shirt and pull on a clean pair of underwear. I decided to sleep on the floor not wanting to scare Rain just in case she wasn't 100% sure if she liked me.

I rolled over and sighed.

What if she doesn't like me. What if its a big prank.

What if.

What if she likes Mikey?

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