The sharpest lives chapter 31**

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Huehehe. I shut Gerard out of his room. I hear him sigh and walk off. I unwrap the towel and it drops to the floor. I stand in front of the mirror, staring back at my reflection. I can feel tears forming as my fingers traced my damaged skin. Just at that moment Mikey swings the door open.

"HEY WHE- OH MY FUCKING GOD IM SORRY UGH I-" He screams at the sight of my scarred naked body standing in front of him. 

He runs from the room cursing under his breath. Fuck. He now knows the extent of my self harming. At least Gerard doesn't know.


I'm lying across the sofa with a bag of crisps in one hand and a coffee in the other. I'm watching Kerrang when it hits me. Rain hasn't been back to her mum, or school. I start to panic so I race up the stairs to be greeted by a sick looken Mikey. 

"Gerard you'd better come down stairs with me I have to tell you something. Now.Please." Mikey pleads.

I follow close behind Mikey as he sits down on the sofa that I just got up from.

"MIkey what's wrong?" I ask.

"I...I walked in on Rain naked.." 

My face went red with anger.

"WHY THE FUCK w-" Mikey cut me off.

"NO, not like that at all. I walked in by accident thinking you were in there. She was standing in front of the mirror naked. But...her skin. She had many scars Gerard..some new, some old. The new ones frighten me more because I don't want Rain to hurt herself. She's loved. By me. And you. Just show her that you love her Gee, do anything." Mikey was close to tears.

"I don't know what to do, if I make a move it could make her think i'm a pedophile or some shit. And ive just got back on track with Rain, I don't want to have to knock the foundation down." 

Mikey looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Can't you tell her how you feel? I know you love her Gee, the way you look at her. You protect her and I know she knows too. Tell her how you feel. Please Gerard." Mikey pleads once again.

"Okay but not now because I have to get coffee and food ugh." I sigh.

"Take Rain with you. Please. She can get some new stuff for school? Please I don't want her hurting herself and I can't be here 24/7" 

I nod and run upstairs. I knock on my bedroom door.

"Rain? Rainy? Get dressed we are going shopping." I squeal like a 12 year old fangirl.

"Why?" Rain groans.

I don't reply but barge the door open to see Rain sat up in the bed, washed and dressed. 

"Oh your ready then? Just me. I'll have a quick shower and get changed and we can go." I smile, hopping into the shower.

I only have a quick 5 minute shower and chuck on my black skinny jeans, with a iron maiden shirt and leather jacket. 

"Get your shoes on babe we're going shopping!"

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