The sharpest lives chapter 45**

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I have an hour and a half until I have to go down to work at the club. I decide to to walk down to coffee shop.

"Luke do you wanna come get a coffee?" I call up the stairs waiting for a reply.

I see Luke's hand appear at the top of the stairs, and then a shoe is thrown on the landing. Soon after Luke appears hopping down the stairs.

"Yeah obviously do you have to ask me?" He laughs.

We walk out the door, linking arms. We walk all the way to the end of the street, and enter the coffee shop. Luke's dad works in this shop, and he gave me a part time job too. 

"Hey dad, can we have two black coffee's with two sugars for me and four for Rain." Luke asks.

I sit down and tap the table. Luke comes over at sits with me.

"Luke can I talk to you about something?" 

Luke smiles and puts an arm around me.

"Of course you can baby. Whatever it is I'm here for you" He says smiling.

I take a deep breath.

"Well, the club that i'm working at there is a guy. His name. His name is Gerard"

Luke's eye's widen. I'd told Luke EVERYTHING that had happened between me and past.

"I don't know. I don't know if it is, like yeah it looks like him a bit I guess but the lights were dimmed and I couldn't really see his face. I don't know if he knows its me? Maybe he's forgotten me. Forgotten his past." At the last part my voice cracked.

Luke kisses my forehead and rubs my back.

"Well whatever happens, your twenty now. Your an adult, you can make your own decisions."

I smile and thank him.

"Do I look different? Like from when you first met me?" I ask

"Yes, you do look different. Your hairs different, different style and colour. Your eye colour has weirdly changed. So has your accent. You have a hint of good old New Jersey. But you stills sound British. And you still have your lovely 'emo' look" He laughs.

I smile and drink my coffee. 


I decide that it's better to drown myself in coffee than alcohol. I walk down the this coffee shop that I spotted on the way to the club. I slowly walk to the coffee shop when I notice a girl. She's sitting with a guy and hes holding her.

Like it was her last hour. 

I shake my head and walk into the coffee shop. I walk straight up to the counter, not looking at the girl or the guy sitting down at one of the tables. I order a black coffee and sit at a table opposite the couple but in the corner. I feel so tired but I just can't sleep. I pull out my sketch book that I've had for over 10 years, and I just keep filling it up. I flick to a fresh page. I start sketching away. I end up drawing for over an hour. I smile at the drawing. I look up at the couple and gasp. I had drawn the girl sitting alone. Her Burgundy hair complementing her golden eyes. I stop for a minute. My world pausing as I stare at this beautiful figure that sits ahead of me. I look down at my sketch. I flick through my sketch book as a tear falls from my eye. I rip out a old previous drawing from years ago and place it next to the fresh drawing. Another tear falls on to the paper.

I'd just drawn my darling.

She is Rain.

My Rain.

The sharpest lives (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant