The sharpest lives chapter 50**

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I give the girl one last kiss, and let her be pulled away by a friend of hers. I slump back down back stage, panting from my quick fuck session with a kid from the crowd. I walk through a door and find a fridge stocked up with beer's and vodka. I grab a 4 pack of beer out and slump back down by a sofa. I quickly finish my fourth can, when I hear running on stage.

"GERARD WHERE ARE YOU. I HAVE A SURPRISE" A familiar voice shouts.

I try to stand up but I crash to the floor again. Frank runs in and sighs.

"Dude, we found Rain. She's well and grown up. Dude you have to clean up and go see her." Frank squeals.

I groan and pull myself up onto the sofa. Frank runs to the closet and pulls out a pair of black worn skinny jeans, with two holes in the knees with a white shirt. He throws them at me waiting for me to undress. After 5 minutes of dressing Frank stands me up and walks me over to the sink. He pushes my head under the cold water, washing my face in the process. I dry my eyes with a towel and follow Frank. 

I walk up to the stage and sit on the ledge as I see the double metal doors open to my right. Mikey and Ray step forward, smiling like cats who had caught the cream. Then a small girl behind them stepped out.


I jumped down from the stage, running towards the girl I love. When I get to her I engulfs her into a hug and stroke her hair. Mikey, Ray and Frank all stand there smiling, their smiles to big for their faces. 

I feel Rain's tears on my arm. I kneel down and wipe the tears from her cheeks. She smiles.

"Rain?" I ask.

"Yes?" Rain questions.

"I love you."



I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been in and out of hospital. I have a condition (boring stuff) and I am in a wheelchair at the moment. I'm seriously ill, and I'm the only positive one in my family atm, every ones crying for me. I don't want you to cry. I want you to be happy that im still here.


I am trying to update as much as I can, but it is hard seeing as i am in pain 24/7 and ugh i just have things to do. 


The thing about this is of course, I am so so so so so so so so so so happy for my gerard, and in fact all of the guys as now they are doing something that they love. But It's sad. When 'May Death Never Stop You' comes out for order, and now the guys are doing different things it's in a way a final point to show us that they are not getting back together and that is it. Gerard seem's happier though, and that makes me happy.

Sorry, and I hope you like the story please vote, comment and share? It would make me a happier person <3

Grace <3

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