The sharpest lives chapter 16**

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I pace up and down the hall way hoping to hear a knock or the ring of the telephone. Ive rang Gerard 15 times, Rain 13 times and Mum 11 times. I'm really worried about both of them. I'm guessing Gerard went to look for Rain seeing as she wasnt in school today. I'm praying to God, that Gerard didn't go to Rain's house because he could have been dead by now.

*An Hour Later*

I must have fallen asleep, but I am soon awoken by the noise of people outside. I run to the front door and get there just in time. The door swings open. It's Gerard and Rain.


Gerards carrying Rain and she's snuggled into his neck.


"What is going on? Where have you two been?!" I shout.

Gerard plops Rain onto the floor as she gains her balence.

"Mikey go and sit down I will explain in a second." Gerard pleads.

"No I will not! I have been worried sick!" I shout

"Mikey I can look after myself, and we are fine. You didn't have to worry okay? Just go to fucking bed" Gerard growls.

I look down at rain who is clearly distressed by our arguing so I glare at Gerard.


I glare down at Rain, and see that she looks like she is about to burst into tears.

"Mikey just go to bed. Now." I growl.

"No! You can't just fucking tell me to go to bed after you have been out all night with my best friend, and expect everything to be okay? I was worried sick, anything could of happened. You could have at least text!" Mikey screamed.

"Well I am a grown adult Mikey, you don't need to worry about me. I can take care of my fu-"


Mikey and I looked at Rain in disbelief to what she was doing.

"The main reason you are arguing is because of me. Mikey, Gerard didn't call you because his main concern was me at the time, and G, Mikey has a right to be worried seeing as it is very late at night. Okay?"

I looked at Mikey and then looked a rain.

Rain huffed and walked up the stairs. She turned around.

"Neither of you are going to talk to me until you work this argument out."

Great. Just fucking great.

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