Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

After leaving Harry's I didn't know what the hell I was going to do. I couldn't be a dad, I wasn't ready for it. I was caught up in a lot of shit too, I couldn't bring a baby into a world like this. 

I decided to go over to Sophie's to see how she was. 

When I knocked on her door she took a while to answer. I stood there, my palms sweaty. 

When she finally answered I gave her a smile, she smiled back. But her smile didn't make me get butterflies like it usually did. 

I had tried to figure out these feelings for quite a while but I knew I didn't feel the same about her as I did before. I guess after so long feelings start to fade. 

But things changed since I had met Gemma, she was the total opposite to Sophie, she was shy and quiet, whilst Sophie was loud and outspoken.

I didn't even mean to meet her it was completely by accident. She was in the same shop I was in, she ended up dropping all her shopping on the floor as she quickly tried to answer her phone.

She was gorgeous, she had long brown hair and big brown eyes. She was small and curvy. I had ran over to help her.

"Thank you" she said. 

"No problem" I replied back. Her eyes widened in the sound of my accent. I started laughing.

"I'm Gemma" she said with a huge grin. I handed her shopping back to her.

"I'm Niall and I think you should get a basket" I said to her cheekily.

"Yeah, would be a good idea!" She said enthusiastically. 

I remembered her as bubbly and cute.

I walked round to corner and returned with a basket for her. I then had helped her place all her items in to her basket and when she had paid, I helped her carry them to her car. 

"How about you give me your number for all the help I've given you?" I smiled at her cheekily. 

I felt bad for Sophie, but there was something about Gemma that I really liked. We connected right away and I started thinking that me and Sophie maybe weren't right for each other after all. Gemma gave me her number and remember smiling at her and saying "I'll give you a text soon"  before leaving.

At first I was hesitant to text her but I couldn't help myself and I did. I've been talking to her for a while now and she has no idea about Sophie and Sophie had no idea about her.

"Come in" Sophie said to me with a smile. "Guess what?" she said. I raised my eyebrows for her to continue.

"I'm not pregnant!" she said throwing her arms around me.

I felt so relieved. I smiled. "I got my period this morning" she told me. 

She took hold of my hand and pulled me in close to her.

She kissed me and started unzipping my pants.

I pulled myself away from and looked at her in disgust.

"Sophie are you fucking mental?" She looked at me shocked. I had never spoke to her like that before.

"You've just  found out you could of been bringing a little innocent baby into my kind of world and yet you want to go shag even though there's still a possibility you could get pregnant? I'd rather leave it out for a while considering my whole world nearly fell apart!" I screamed at her. 

Her face turned from shocked to angry.

"Oh so having a baby with me ruins your own little world you have going on? Well I'm sorry we all don't have fabulous lives like you. Please do tell me how much fun it is kicking the shit out of people?" She yelled back.

I laughed at her mockingly. 

"Fuck this" I said to her and walked out slamming the door behind me. 

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