Your parent embarrasses you ♡

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You were in Victoria's Secret with your mom because you had to pick up some sports bras and stuff. Just as you were on your phone, getting bored of everything and everyone, someone accidentally bumped into you.

You look up to see a tallish (soz eth you short ass) boy with hazel eyes and a perfect white smile.

Ethan Dolan.

You've been a fan for the longest time ever. You know pretty much everything about them but never got the chance to meet them.

You gasped for air.

"Hey, sorry" he said.

"Uh m-me? Ohhh yeah nah it's cool!" You said trying to keep yourself from going crazy.

"I'm Ethan." He shook your hand.

"I know." You said casually. He looked at you with a kind of confused/worried face.

"I mean, I'm y/n!" You could feel your cheeks get warm.

"Y/n!! Sweetie! Look at these bras! They're so cute!" Your mom shouted getting closer and closer to you.

"Shit." You curse under your breath. Ethan laughs.

"Oh is this your friend? He looks do much like that dolphin twin boy! You're cute! What's your name honey?" She asked making you want to slam your head into the floor.

"Ethan." He giggled.

"Oh my goodness! You even have the same name as him! Why aren't you Lucky?! This one won't stop talking about them! All she says is dolphin twins this-" your mom started pointing to you and telling him basically your life story.

"Okay mom. This is Ethan Dolan! He is apart of the DOLAN twins." You say.

"Hi." Ethan said awkwardly.

"Oh." Your mom slowly backed away, looking at whatever random shelf she could find.

"I'm sorry about her. So why are you um in Victoria's Secret may I ask?" You said achieving a laugh from his lips.

"I needed some new lingerie ya know." He replied with a straight face.

You looked at him with wide eyes then Ethan burst out laughing.

"I'm just here with my sister." He pointed over to cameron.

"Ohhh right."

"Yeah but it's so boring in here." He said pushing his hair up.

"I know. I'm sooo hungry!" You said, rubbing your belly.

"Hey, do you wanna go to the food court?" Ethan asked you.

"Sure." You told your mom to meet you there when she's done. Ethan took hold of your hand as you walked, getting to know eachother.


You were at one of the biggest parties of the year. It was your good friends 16th.

As you were getting whatever alcohol you could find, you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You turn around to see a tall attractive guy with hazel eyes staring at you. He looked you up and down.

"Oh uh sorry, I thought you were someone else!" He blushed.

"It's fine." You laughed, sipping on your drink.

"I'm Grayson." He shook your hand, shouting over the loud music.

"Y/n." You said, smiling.

You stood there for half a minute before Grayson spoke.

"Let's go outside! It will be less loud!" You followed him to the front lawn.

You both sat on the curb, sipping on your beverage (ew I hate that word kms).

"So you go to y/s/n (your schools name)?" He asked you.


"Oh I do online school."

You both talked for a while about life. You hadn't even kept track of the time. You took out your phone from your leather jacket pocket and it read 12:04am.

Your dad was meant to be picking you up.

"Shit." You curse.

"What's wrong?" Grayson asks you.

"My dad will be here soon." You awkwardly laugh.

"Oh that's a shame. I really enjoyed talking to you."

"Well we could always meet up again?" You implied.

"Could I maybe I don't know, get your number?" He blushed.

"Sure. Just punch it in." You handed your phone to him.

He typed his name and number in and handed it back to you.

Then you looked up at him. Grayson looked down at you. You felt tingles go up and down your spine as he ran his hands through your hair.

"You're beautiful." He smiles.

You feel a strip of heat flush across your face.

"Thankyou." You answered.

You both moved in slowly. Just as your lips were about to touch, you heard a loud car horn.

"HEY HONEY!" Your dad shouted from the car, the windows rolled down. He was blasting some old shitty music.

"Oh my god...." You muttered.

Grayson scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.


"Okay dad. I'm coming now!" You turn to Grayson.

"Im sorry about him. See you around?"

"Id love to." He replied. You hugged him and waved bye to him.

You hopped into the car.

"You're welcome. Who's that kid anyway?" Your dad said smirking.

You ignored him. He started mumbling words but you kept replaying the moments in your mind.

"He looked too old for you."

"How did you meet him?"

"Did he pressure you into anything?"

"I hope you didn't drink too much."

All of those little statements just flew past you.

Your phone lit up to see a message from 'hottie😻👅💦'.

Hottie😻👅💦: the party's no fun without you...

You smiled to yourself.

Did you guys think this was good? Omg earlier my friends dad have us a lift home and my crush was walking down the hill and he honked the fucking HORN AT HIM AZNXKSBE WJALS

Dolan twins // imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now