rooftops and midnight thoughts ♡ e.d.

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thought I might base this one on dads because they rock. appreciate your parents while they're here cause you never know when you'll last see them guys!! enjoy p.s. this pic makes me emo^^

you clambered onto your roof, making sure to be cautious of not falling off. you placed your phone next to you and laid down, staring up at the starry night above you.

you felt a presence standing from your bedroom window, waiting to get your permission to sit with you.

"mhm" you hummed.

you felt the body position itself so that they were a couple inches away from you, not too close but not too far.

"you wanna talk about it?" the male voice spoke.

you sat up making your head go dizzy.

"ethan..." you felt your throat get all chocked up as if you were about to break down into tears any moment now.

"I'm tired." you said.

"well it's fricking 11:30pm for crying out loud, you're bound to be tired."

you sighed.

"no not like that. im tired of life. I'm only still on this planet because of you and gray otherwise I wouldn't be here. dad was one of the only shred of happiness in my life... and now he's gone too.

*flashback to 9:30am this morning*

"y/n y/l/n?" the school nurse came into your English class.

you put up your hand.

"hi, could you come with me please?" she flashed a heart warming smile at you as you packed away your books.

your teacher grinned slightly as you carefully shut the door.

you followed the school nurse to the medical room and sat on a chair.

"we got a phone call in from a local hospital. your father was in a car accident two hours ago. I'm so sorry but.. he didn't make it."

*end of flashback*

"tell me more." Ethan said willingly, grasping your hand knowing that talking about this would be the only way to find some type of closure.

"I can't do it. my dad was the only one who would tell me what to do and how to do it. he would cheer me on at my sports events, make me blueberry pancakes when I was little and tell me funny stories when I was sad. now he's forever gone. I've already lost my mom and now my father too..."

"hey... come on, you're doing great." Ethan spoke out in a calming voice.

"you'll be just fine. your dad wouldn't want you being all sad now would he? he'd want you to get up and live life. now follow me, we're going back to my place and making those blueberry pancakes. got it?"

Ethan was everything you dreamt of in a guy; someone who truly loved you for you even though you sucked at most things. you'd known him since you were both 7 years old. he was always there for you, especially since you hadn't had any other siblings.

ethan got up and placed out his hand for you. you took it and held onto him tightly as you got up. you headed over to the Dolan residence and snuck into his bedroom to be greeted by a sleepy Grayson lying in ethans bed.

you giggled at the sight of Grayson snoring and pecked ethans cheek as his arms were wrapped around you comfortingly, protecting you.

"I love you." he whispered.

it's moments like this to live for.

♡ ♡ ♡

hello loves, it's me! Long time, no see haha. I'm sorry that this was so depressing but in all honesty I'm not in the greatest moods of all time. How have you all been though? Tell me something good that's happened to you in the comment section!!

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