Thranduil ~ Prisoner 3

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It got a little long, but I figured I wouldn't torture you all with drawing out the end anymore :P  Hope you can all enjoy!

I was the only one that stayed behind to help the people of Laketown.  The dwarves left for the mountain and the elves followed the orcs that attacked us, so I was left helping Bard and his people.

"Oi!  Ranger!  Why can't you take watch?"

I looked up at the foul man, the one that almost been lynched after the destruction of Laketown had settled.

"Because unless you have abilities with healing, these poor people will suffer through the night."  I said stiffly, it had been a long walk to Dale, and between Bard and I, we had much to do.

Alfred scowled and sauntered back off and I continued to focus on those that needed the most help.  There were many burns and I had no where near enough herbs to treat them all.

The night seemed to pass quickly and by morning, I was feeling the exhaustion, taking a moment to sit by myself.

Bard approaches, looking no better than I felt.

"How are you feeling?"  He asked quietly.

"Exhausted."  I answer truthfully.  "But I will keep going as long as necessary."

He gives me a sad knowing look and nods, leaving me be as I lie back for a moment.

The cries of happy people got my attention and I jumped to my feet t see what the fuss was about.

I stood, a little stunned by all the elves, but relief washed over me as I saw them handing out food and water to the people.

But I noted their armour and this concerned me greatly.

My gaze was drawn to Bard, who was looking extremely concerned and it didn't take much to see why.

Thranduil sat on his elk dressed for war.

I sigh, rubbing my temples as an unwanted headache came on, and I turned away from the two men, Thranduil spotting me out of the corner of his eye.

I went as far away from it all as I dared, knowing that some of the elves would now help the people.  Finding the quietest spot I could, I made a makeshift bed and lay on it, allowing my exhaustion to take me to sleep and not think about what could come.

My sleep didn't last long before I found myself being prodded awake.

I hit the hand away.  "What?"

"My lady, King Thranduil wishes to speak with you."  The voice said.

"The King can go suck an egg.  I haven't slept in days."  I mumbled, curling back up.

"While your colourful language amuses me, I would still like to speak with you."

I groan at the voice and wearily push myself up to a seating position.  Thranduil stood there, a guard looking annoyed next to him.

"What?"  I ask impatiently.

Thranduil looks me over.  "You look terrible."

"Well, that's what happens when you are whisked away in barrels, end up in Laketown only to have a dragon attack and then help the people here."  I said thickly.  "So forgive me if I look a little worse for wear."

He frowns and dismisses his guard, leaving us alone.

I look at him a little nervously.  "What do you want Thranduil?"

He crouches down,  his gaze unreadable.  "You've been so busy tending to the others, that you have not tended to your own wounds."

"I'm fine."  But even as I said it, he reached forward and took my hand, one that I had poorly wrapped earlier.  He undid it without saying anything, exposing the cut which wasn't looking very healthy.

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