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I ate silently. Chewing quickly. When I shoved a bite of mashed potatoes into my mouth, I glanced up. I stopped chewing, seeing all of their eyes on me.

It has been two weeks since I was deposited from the infirmary. They're still a little worried that I haven't eaten every meal. They made sure to monitor me every time I eat. They drag me with them every time I'm only a minute late for any meal.

I stabbed a piece of peach and brought it to my mouth, making eye contact with all of them.

"What am I? An art painting? Go on.. eat, you rascals," I said, irritated.

"I mean..." Lily teased.

"Ma'am, this is the dining table. We keep it professional here," I replied.

"Yes, sir. We will discuss unprofessional matters back at the dormitory," she agreed, winking my way.

I bit into my cut peach and chewed quietly. The peach was yummy, but my head began to hurt again. I dropped it gently onto the plate and placed my head in my hand.

I hear a thunderous rant rising from the smallest sound that my ears could pick up on.

"Can you guys hear that?" I wondered.

"Eh? What are you talking about?" Prongs questioned.

Hundreds upon hundreds of voices grew increasingly loud. Crude words coming from their disgusting thoughts. The sounds of the students conversing in the Great Hall grew muffled.

"You don't hear those people talking?" I asked, growing a little panicky.

"What people? Students and professors?" Padfoot asked, his voice seeming like miles away.

I pressed my hands to my ears, furrowing my eyebrows. I closed my eyes shut. My head throbbed with immense pain, and it felt like someone hit it repeatedly.

Tears welled up a little at the corners of my squeezed eyelids. I whined out in pain and lowered my head onto the table. Someone's hand fell on my back and pet my hair, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I squealed out as another wave of pain aided the headache and then..

I just lost sight of everything.



I'm standing in an area that just looked like a white train station. The train tracks were pure white, the benches were snowy, and the station went on forever.

There were no pillars or walls here. I couldn't hear a train rumbling in the distance either. What is this place? Is this death?

It feels like I can walk around, though. I turned in a full circle, advancing close to the train line. What happens if I just jumped? Would a train come out and hit me? I still can't hear the train or the tracks vibrating.

I turned back around, glancing around the area. There's nothing on this side. Just white expanse.

Have I died?

Am I alone here forever?

Maybe not.

I see a figure coming slowly.

Their body was only a speck. I narrowed my eyes as they came by at an alarming speed. I grew worried and pat my body down, searching for my wand. It's nowhere on me.

I can't protect myself here. But if I'm dead already, then I shouldn't worry, right?

The person came into a better view, and I could just make out the general details. Pale skin, pitch black dark hair like James, but that is most definitely not him. Billowing Hogwarts robes. Seemed like a boy that goes to our school. Innocent enough.

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