30: uncool

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"So how's things with your bff?" Trynna digging my waffle I asked.
"Can you not make it absolutely girlish ? And yeah he's good.. I obviously didn't follow your advice and talk to him but instead waited for a while to let things clear out." His voice was lazy this morning but real cute.
" what is with you guys and not talking! Robin never talks too! I always go on and on and on and on and all he says is hmm.. of course sometimes i have to be a lil more tactful and dig stuff from inside, then he tells but most of the times its like the silence" I stuffed another bite.
"Again? Are we talking about Robin now? " Kv complained.
"But We were talking about Kush weren't we?"
"That's different..idk how but it is"
He was right. It was different.
Kush cared.
Robin didn't.
"So when am i gonna meet this best friend of yours ?"
"Oh please unlike you Naina, I don't have best friends. Let's call him a  friend okay?"
"Okay "
"So I'll maybe next time when I come to Jabalpur with him, I'll bring him with me." He winked.
"Wait what? Why would you be coming to Jabalpur ? " alarmed I asked.
"Why? Don't forget I have people there. So don't try to claim the whole city" he winked again.
"Okay first stop doing that.. Second don't you have school? Don't you have studies? Don't you have other places to chill ? You realize that you keep coming to Jabalpur a lot!"
"And do you realize how mean you sounded just now?" He winked again.
What was he trying to do.
"I told you don't do that." I was angry now.
"What? Why?" He smiled but looking confused.
"Because. Because I can't do that." I fidgeted with the fork.
"Can't do what ? The wink thing ?" He started laughing as I nodded.
"Okay so let's try it"
He told me how to wink and i practiced it a couple of times but couldn't get right for even once. Instead I made this weird little face with my closed eyes and twitched nose whenever I winked. Or more like tried to blink.
"Oh god Nainaaaa you're adorable.." He started laughing hysterically which was really cute..
His laughter was the best happy thing I can think of right now. Like if I had to rate the best things on earth, first will be the sound of rain and second would be his laughter.. 

And I knew this was toxic. 

If I stay with him for long, I know the sound of rain won't be the first.

"Naina Singh.. You're  hell of a person.." His laughter stopped..
"Karanveer Singh Khatri.. You're heaven of a person.." And I lowered my glance smiling and trying to wink.
"Ha ha ha Naina made a joke. I forgot to laugh."
And i punched him on his arm.
"That hurtssss owww" this was me, getting hurt. Because just got to know that his arm was pretty strong.
"Does it hurt bad?" He asked.
"No not that much. But if I knew you had steel arms, I wouldn't just punch you with my bare  knuckles." I shook my hand.
"Baby knuckles" he corrected.
"Yeah right."
So my hands were among st the softest things on earth, thanks to the repeated moisturization which runs in my family.. So resulting in baby fingers and baby knuckles.
"So tomorrow You're gonna be spending time with my sister who thinks I'm a threat to your friendship!" He joked.
"Yeah little khatri is going to be here.. Tonight and also tomorrow when we'll be celebrating the 31st together.." i chuckled.

"you know what Naina its reallyy rude that you're abandoning me on the new years eve." he made a 'you broke my heart' face.

"woah woah woah. firstly, i dont have a call in this so talk to the other Khatri about the whole family drama and secondly dont you think i'm too basic or not so worth to be fighting for and that too like this.." i took a laugh.

i was expecting some intelligent comeback from him but instead he just glared a beam of anger at me.. that scared me.

"whaat???" i asked.

"nothing.. are you finished with the food?" he answered coldly.

"emm yeaah.." and now i was scared. what the fuck did i say that pinched him so much that he fucking was acting this way.

we left the cafe and he left me straightaway to  my place where i had to face lola di ughhhhh..

he fucking didnt utter a word while driving and likewise i didnt too. 

we reached and he didnt even looked at me. i bammed the car gate so loudly that he might have gone deaf.

"a simple bye wont kill you" i said this and stormed away.

idk why i thought he was laughing at this. idk but i guess he was.

"so?"  lola di asked me with an weird  curiosity the moment we found time alone.

"so what?" i acted as if i didnt know what was she talking about.

"oh dont play dead you clever girl. temme everything.. what happened??" she sounded excited so now i dont want to act rude.

"offfo di..nothing happened but you ask anyways. ill tell"

"since how long is he you're boyfriend and what did you do last night where did you go ??"

"emm so lets make it pretty clear, i dont have a boyfriend and i'm not seeing anyone. i went out with friends. and honestly , really honestly i stayed at a friend's place and since there was mostly drinking, i didnt join."

"no guy involved here?" she sounded so disappointed.

"of course di.. no guy. last time i told you i'm not into relationships."

"oh nainaa. what the fuck. i was hoping that my sister's just got cool and would be getting some sweet action but you've disappointed me. highly." she grunted.

"well sorry for that lola di. but you're sister will never be that cool ."

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