Love The Way You Lie

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Here is chapter 2 for you! and it's longer than the last one.

Enjoy the new chapter!

I do not Own The Originals, only my OC.



Love The Way You Lie

I woke up from a weird dream. I dreamed that Elijah needed my help. He was in a dark place and couldn't get out. It was strange. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. That's a first.

I looked outside at a new day. Nik had already gotten up. I dressed myself and checked in on my brother. He was still sound asleep. I decided to let him sleep a little longer and went down to the kitchen to make us some breakfast.

Nik was standing in the kitchen drinking blood from a glass.

"Good morning sweetheart." He greeted me and gave me a kiss.

"Hey." I told him and dug into the fridge to make waffles and scrambled eggs.

"Did you sleep well in our new bed?" He asked me.

"Yes I did but I had this weirdest dream though. I dreamed that Elijah needed my help and that he was in a dark place. He was begging me to help him out. It was so strange." I said, shaking my head. 

Nik looked a little uncomfortable.

"Do you know where he is? He disappeared yesterday and now he's not answering his phone." I asked him.

"Oh, he had to take care of something. He had to leave town for a while. I don't know when he will be back." Nik said quickly.

He was lying to me. I could always tell when he lied to me. When he was being dishonest, his right eye started to twitch and he couldn't look directly at me. Before I could confront him, he gave me a kiss and ran out the door.



After making breakfast for Jeremy and myself, we spent the day together. Not playing videogames. We went for a walk around the plantation to explore a little, took a swim in the backyard swimming pool. Even Sophie came by just to check up on me and to meet my brother. I had a fun time but I still couldn't shake the feeling of something bad had happened to Elijah.

Nik came home late again that night. I was drying myself off after a shower when he came in.

"Where have you been all day?" I asked him.

"Oh, just taken care of business, hanging out with Marcel." Nik said with a satisfied smile on his face. 

"What did you and little Gilbert do today?" He asked me and kissed my neck.

"A lot of stuff. Taking a swim, gone for a walk. Sophie came by to check on me but there's been one thing bothering me." I told him- 

"And what's that, sweetheart?" He asked.

"I can't shake this feeling of something being wrong with Elijah. He always calls me back but not this time and after what he promised yesterday, I think it's weird that he didn't tell me where he was going." I answered, starting to get worried about Elijah. 

Nik turned me around to face him.

"Love, I promise you. Elijah is fine and well. He's just doing his part in all of this. He's out of town taking care of things. You don't need to worry." Nik told me and kissed me. I felt a little better and wrapped my arms around him to kiss him again, when it suddenly hit me and I stopped.

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