Wide Awake

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I'm back with a new chapter!


I do not own The Originals, only my OC



Wide awake

We left early the next morning. We needed to get back to New Orleans. I think it was hard for Jeremy to leave Bonnie but he wanted to go back with me.

"My home is with you in New Orleans, Amy. I'm not staying behind without you, besides, I actually like my new school. I hate for it to leave it." Jeremy told me as we got onto the plane. I sat down beside Nik and looked at the box I got from Elena yesterday.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Elena got me this for my birthday but she didn't have the chance to give it to me before." I said with a smile.

"So, what is it?" Nik asked me again.

"It's a secret. I made a promise to her to keep it hidden until I needed to use it." Nik looked at me in surprise.

"But you know what it is?" He asked me.

"Yup and I'm not telling you." I said. Nik were curious and tried to get it out of me but I was persistent. Even though he tried to seduce it out of me.

"Just because you kiss me, doesn't mean I will tell you." I said and kissed him again.

Nik did not ask me again but I could see he was still thinking about it. I looked over at Kol and Jeremy. They had actually become good friends fast. If someone had told me that 6 months ago, I would've thought it was stupid. I returned my attention to Nik and grabbed his hand.

"Your daughter is very active today." I told him and placed his hand on my stomach. It was a nice moment for us.


When we got back to New Orleans, Nik had to go and take care of some things, so I went back to the Compound with Kol and Jeremy.

It was strange to be back. It felt empty somehow. I walked upstairs to clean out of my bag. On my way to the living room, I walked past Davina's old room and I felt a huge pain in my heart. I walked inside and looked around. Nothing had been touched. I walked over to her dresser where Tim's violin was. I touched it and closed my eyes. I really did miss her.

I felt a presence behind me.

"I miss her too you know." I said and turned around. Marcel stood there looking at me with a bottle of bourbon in his hand.

"I know you do. You were the only one Davina really trusted. She knew you loved her unconditionally." He told me with tears in his eyes. Marcel was struggling.

"You were important to her too. You gave her a home. You care for her as family." I told him and walked over to where he stood. Then I did something I never thought I would do. I hugged him. He needed it right now.

We walked downstairs together and I thought it was strange that all the vampires were here. Even Kol and Jeremy.

"Hey Marcel. Maybe you know what is going on. Klaus ordered us to meet here and now he's a no-show." Diego said to him.

"What do you want from me? There's a new regime. Get used to it." He said.

Then Nik had returned.

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