You'll Be In My Heart

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Back with the chapter I have been dying to publish.

 The meet between Hope, Amy and Klaus. I think that I did a good job with it. It's heartwarming and sweet.

This chapter is dedicated to all my readers, followers and reviewers.

Over to the story... Read and most of all; Enjoy!

warning: This is an M rated chapter!

I do not own "The Originals" only my OC.



You'll Be In My Heart

Come stop your crying, it will be alright

Just take my hand and hold it tight.

I will protect you from all around you,

I will be here don't you cry.

For one so small you seem

so strong, my arms will hold you

keep you safe and warm

This bond between us can't be broken.

I will be here don't you cry.


Third Person p.o.v

Rebekah was actually enjoying herself. Amy and her brothers were on their way to them and they could celebrate Christmas together. She couldn't help but smile when she thought about how the meeting between Hope and her parents would occur. Judging by the noises inside, both Elijah and Hope were awake. With a smile on her face, she walked into the living room.

"Well isn't this place rather nice? Nik must have compelled a wine lover to keep it up because I just found 2005 Bordeaux. Fancy a sip?" Rebekah asked and turned to her brother.

"I appreciate the sentiment Rebekah but I do recognize when I'm being treated with kid-gloves." Elijah stated, not looking at his sister. Rebekah sighed at this.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him

"Patronized..." Elijah answered with a little attitude before looking down at Hope. "I am here to protect you."

"I know you mean too Elijah..."

"Yet you find it necessary to knocking me unconscious before bringing me here." Elijah argued.

"Well you weren't yourself and I needed to get us out of that diner." Rebekah argued back at him. "What happened back there?"

"I don't know." Elijah answered

 "Niklaus sent me here to protect Hope. My job is to keep her safe." Elijah looked tormented and Rebekah hated seeing him like this.

"I just got a message from Nik. They will be here soon and Kol is bringing the Gilbert boy with him." Rebekah said and she could see the way the thought of Amy made everything brighter.

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