Bygone Zone

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I'm back with chapter 21!


I do not own The Originals, only my OC.



Bygone Zone

Klaus' p.o.v.

I still had what happened last night in my mind. Amy almost got killed and all I wanted was to bring her home with me but I knew she was safe in the Bayou. I was searching through the living room. I couldn't find my mother's spell book anywhere. A thousand things went through my mind as I took the room apart. Elijah approached me.

"Can I help you find something?" he asked.

"Yes, in fact I believe you can. I'm looking for a book. About this big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced." I told him.

"How very mysterious." Elijah had a huge grin on his face.

"Indeed. At first, I feared the witches succeeded to obtain it but considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large tattooed gentleman of his hands, I begin to think that the thief was a little closer to home." I said and looked back at my brother.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be brother." I said and took a step closer to him.

"Well admittedly I have a theory that your sudden interest in our mother's grimoire is somewhat related to the foolishness you have with the crescent wolves. Therefore I took it upon myself to carefully place it where not your little finger cannot pry." Elijah told me. I felt a rage but I kept it balanced.

"And here I thought that out of all people you would understand. I'm simply trying to help those wolves. Play Samaritan to the abused, champion to the underdog. So to speak."

"How expendably noble of you." Elijah said with a glare.

"Just like you, I'm trying to keep Amy safe. Using our mother's magic to empower her people so that they are capable to protecting her."

"Yes of course but if they try to seek retribution for decades held in exile, then Amy will find herself in an uprising. You are turning New Orleans into a war zone brother. I won't let that happen."

Noble Elijah. Always thinks he's right about everything.

"The drums of war started long before we arrived." I said and sat down on the couch. I was debating on if I should call Amy or not. It felt like she was slowly returning to me and I needed her by my side now more than ever.


Amy's p.o.v

I felt empty this morning when I woke up. I wanted to stay with Nik last night but I knew he was right when he told me to stay in the Bayou at least for now.

 I'm spending the morning with Eve. She wants me to prepare for the birth and I was not looking forward to it. I was a little scared. I was freaking out that within 4 weeks, my daughter will arrive. I reached the cottage before Eve did and threw myself down on the mattresses and pillows on the floor. 

Bad decision...  

Great. Now I can't get up again. After tossing and turning for a while, I knew what I had to do.

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