Ding Dong, the Witch is... Here?

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No, you're not hallucinating. I've actually updated this story within a week. I think I must coming down with something. Anyways, not many chapters left of following Season 2, so I'll keep up with this tempo, and have another chapter ready in a few days.

I have also closed the Poll, like I said I was going to do today... And the movie that won:

"Beauty and the Beast" (cartoon version) 

I will starting with it soon, I hope. I'm in the process on how I want the story to go, it's going to be a few changes of course. And I'm getting good help, from those who take time out of their lives to help me and I'm forever thankful.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think.

I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting and voting on this story. I love each and every one of you, and I'm forever thankful. 



Ding Dong, the Witch is... Here?

The following days was filled with some peace and quiet. But you know what they say... Calm before the storm. Nik and I hadn't kissed and made up yet, and it made thing a little awkward between us. The only time we would ever interact, was when we were together with Hope. I hated being in the same place as Freya all the time but tried my best to spend more time with Rebekah and especially Kol. He didn't like that Freya knew everything about him and it made him glued to my side more, except when Klaus needed his help. I was bored as hell and needed to do something, so I decided that I would take Hope out for a stroll.

I knew Nik wouldn't like it, mainly because Dahlia could be anywhere by now.

I was just done feeding Hope her breakfast and hummed to her as I dressed her for the day. This tune has been haunting my mind ever since I found out I was pregnant. It's only getting stronger by the day, and I don't know why, but Hope seems to enjoy it.

"Are you ready for a day of fun little one?" I asked her with a smile on my face. Hope reached up for me and touched my face. I got lost in those beautiful eyes of hers and I could actually see a hint of Jeremy in her. Weird, I know.

That reminds me to call my siblings soon. I needed to tell them about the pregnancy. I would do it soon. Maybe when things calm down a little more. Before leaving, I picked up the cup of blood and the apple laying on my nightstand. Even though Nik and I wasn't on speaking terms per say, he still remembered that when I was pregnant with Hope, I was craving apples from about the 2nd month. Now, I was about 10 weeks along, and the cravings for apples had returned but this time, added with a cup of blood, in room temperature, not hot or cold. The blood thing was new but Nik still made sure he knew it was there for me. Even though he made Kol bring it to my room. He didn't want me to know that he took care of me. I figured it was about time to forgive him now. I really wanted too. I wanted to do it soon. I was over the worst now.

I walked down stairs with her and put her in her stroller as no other than my 'dear' sister walked up to me.

"You know; Klaus wouldn't like it if you walked outside with her." Hayley told me, as if I didn't know that.

"Yeah... I know. But right now, I need to go outside. There's a market happening and I want to be able to enjoy myself outside. Besides, I just want one normal day with my daughter and her uncle." I answered her as I headed for the main gate.

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