Dawn of The Dead

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Chapter 22 awaits you! I hope you like it!


I do not own The Originals, only my OC.



Dawn of the Dead

Something woke me up early the next morning. I looked around and didn't remember at first where I were. Then I remembered I was back with Klaus and that was the reason I woke up. He was tossing and turning in his sleep. He was sweating and mumbling in his sleep.

"Nik. You have to wake up." I said to him but he still didn't wake and he thrashed around. 

"Nik!" I said louder and he jolted awake. He looked disorientated.

"It's ok. Everything is fine. I'm here." I told him and touched his face. He looked at me and I could feel him relax. He rested his head on my chest and I stroked his hair.

"I'm so glad you're here." He told me.

"Nik, what happened?" I asked a little concerned.

"I've been having these dreams for the last few days. Always about the baby and Mikael. He's coming to kill me." He said and looked at me.

"Mikael is dead Nik. You know this and everything is fine with our daughter." I told him to calm him down. Nik looked up at me with love and adoration in his eyes.

"You have no idea how good it feels to wake up and seeing you next to me." Nik said and it made me smile.

"I feel pretty good about it too. I love you." I told him and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too little wolf." Nik kissed me and we just stayed in bed until the sun came up.


Third person p.o.v

Genevieve, Monique, Davina and Abigail walked down the street from their house. Genevieve was quite glad about the turning of events, making her staying alive.

"New Orleans is full of ghosts. Our dead are always here hovering. When supernatural creatures die, they are doomed to spend eternity alone watching the world go on without them. Of course that's not the case for the ancestry witches, we linger in a different way. Consecrated in the earth, planting its power." Genevieve said.

"What about humans?" Davina asked.

"Some find peace, some don't. I have to make an appearance at Father Kieran's wake. You three head back home and take some time to think about those spirits who want to be walking along side you." Genevieve said and Davina and Abigail went right away.

Monique caught up with Genevieve.

"I don't know why we're supposed to care about Kieran O'Connell?" Monique said.

"We care because when a pillar of our community passes Monique, you call a ceasefire and pay respects."

"Or you just want to see Kol or maybe it's Klaus? Which one is it that you're pining over?" Genevieve gave her a glare.

"I need the Mikaelson's to trust me so that I can get close enough.."

"To kill their baby?" Monique asked.

"To fulfill my obligations from our ancestors. Go home Monique."

"You know they'll never let you go near Amy. Not after what happened at that party and what happened in the Bayou yesterday." Monique called after her.

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