(This is a...) Freakshow

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Look at that! It didn't take me three months to update! Just about two months, almost! 

I know things didn't end so good in the last chapter, but I have a reason for writing this the way that I do. 

The Originals is picked up for yet another season! I could not be happier!

Please tell me what you think of this update. I appreciate it :) 

I do not own "The Originals" only my Oc 



"Fuck you, Klaus!"

I woke up, startled from my nap after finally managing to put the twins to sleep, because I'm exhausted. I haven't been sleeping well, and after my fight with Nik, we haven't been able to exchange one word without snapping at each other. I wanted to keep the fighting to a minimum, at least in front of the kids, but it was hard. Nik rarely spent any time with them as it was. Not if I was there at least. We can't even stay in the same room for long. And it's been too long.

The twins are already a little over a month now, and it's just about time for Halloween. That means that Nik and I haven't been us in over a month. He's almost never here anymore. He stays out of my way, and I do whatever I can to busy myself with the kids and trying to figure out what Lucien is planning. Kol has been my rock, and helping me as much as he can, but I think that he's talking to Nik about me, because they're sneaking off, and they're gone for hours.

Christine and I, are trying to have some sort of relationship. After she helped me during birth, I've felt more connected with her. With Hayley and Jackson, not so much. I just can't seem to get along with them, or let them stay in the same room as my kids, especially, Hope. Not that Hope would ever allow them to get close. She screamed bloody murder, if either Jackson or Hayley was in the same room, or close enough for her to feel them.


The sun was starting to set and Bourbon street was starting to buzz with night life, to the upcoming celebrations. I can't say I'm looking forward to it. With three small children, and a lot of noise, I think I'm staying awake all night, thank god for being a hybrid, not needing too much sleep.

Christine came through the door, and Hope was thrilled to see her grandmother. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all.

"Hey there, precious." Christine said, picking Hope up, giving her several kisses. Hope giggled, and wrapped her tiny arms around her neck. I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, not that I mind her being there.

"I'm here, because Hayley would like to come and talk to you for a moment." Christine answered calmly, not wanting me to blow up.

"I'm not sure I want to." I replied, turning my back to her.

"Come on, Amy. It's been a month. Hayley just want to talk to you." Christine pleaded and that's when I knew. Hope was alert as well. I looked at my daughter and she looked back at me. I know that I should talk to her, but I don't feel ready to do so just yet. Hayley was here already. I took a deep breath, trying to get everything calm.

"You can come in, Hayley." I said, finally acknowledging her. I could hear her taking a large breath, before walking into the room.

"Hey." Hayley said unnaturally uncertain. Making me roll my eyes.

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