Chapter 28 - Argent vs Fowler (Part 3)

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My hands clench into tight fists as I stare coolly out of the window. Malfoy Manor- who would have thought I would have ended up here? My arm stings, but I ignore it. I know he is looking for me, but I can't let him find me. Not just yet. 

"You think because the Dark Lord has granted you forgiveness, you can do whatever you wish?" Bellatrix's voice rings out. 

"When the Dark Lord summons you, you must go without hesitation. Or do you think that you are above him," she continues, snarling in my ear. Keep. Calm. I can feel the warmth rising, but I don't let it take control over me. Not just yet. 

"You must have gotten it from your father- he was ju-" Bellatrix says in a low voice and I turn to glare at her. 

"As far as I recall, the Dark Lord's business with me is none of your concern," I say as my eyes stare hard into her own. I bet they mirror each other. No emotions, guarding all thoughts and expressions, never letting anyone in for a second. Yes, weirdly enough I have some similarities with this monster. 

"And it's not I who should be fearful of the Dark Lord's wrath when you couldn't complete your simple task," I say, smiling slightly because I know it will irritate her. Her nostrils flare as she inches closer to me. 

Go on! I urge her. Do it! 

The night of the ministry fiasco, I went to the Dark Lord and officially became a Death Eater. It was surprisingly easy to gain his trust. I had to lie about my father though and express my anger with his actions. But I did not falter. I remembered what I was taught and kept the barriers to my true secrets high. Not that I can remember what I forgot. 

It's frustrating but I know it's necessary. My life depends on it... and his... 

"Lily?" Another voice calls and I scowl at the intruder. 

"It's Emilia" I mutter throwing a weary looking at the pale skinned man leaning on the door. The one person who could ruin everything is standing in front of me, but for some reason I doubt he will do anything. He has the same look in his eyes, the one I sometimes I catch in the mirror when I'm tired. The one where you're scared of what you're becoming. Scared that one day you'll wake up and not know who you are. That's the reason I decided to take the name Emilia. Emilia Fowler is a different person to Lily Argent and for some reason I just know it's important to keep the two separate. I need to be Emilia right now and any connections to Lily have been erased. Everyone Lily knew, the morals Lily had, everything. I know  she existed, I know once upon a time I was Lily, but now all I know is Emilia. 

Except in my dreams... I feel like I always have dreams that are Lily's. No matter how hard I'm trying to suppress that side of me, I can't do it indefinitely. I need to be a Fowler right now, to protect the Argent and everything that Argent held dear, but it's getting harder day by day.

"It's time," he says ignoring my comment. He too looks like he's slowly losing himself- I don't know what I would do in his position. He's being forced into this life because of his family. But it seems like his parents aren't too keen with this life anymore either. 

"Don't panic too much that the Dark Lord did not include you in his plans, his anger may subside at some point," I mutter with one last look at Bellatrix. What irritates me most is that she's family. I'm related to her as I am to the Malfoys. I hate the connection. It makes my prospects of surviving all this all the more slimmer. 

I stalk out of the room, my black dress swaying as I clench my fists. I was so close to letting my inner demon out. But I cannot do that, for if I do- my life will truly be in danger. Draco follows me out of the house, glancing behind him every so often. Once the house is out of distance I turn to him.

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