Chapter 58 - In which chaos breaks out at the Burrow

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Two little girls scream as their parents pull them out of the marquee, frantically calling out for their missing child. The pain in their voice makes me quiver and feel numb at the same time. I watch as they narrowly avoid the burning tables and leave the tent, desperately looking around for a miracle.

"Lily we have to move now!" George says frantically as he scans the chaos for his brother but I feel trapped, rooted in my spot. How could I have not seen this coming? Are they leaving me out of decisions now? Does the Dark Lord know I'm not actually a faithful Death Eater? Did he tell him? 

"Lily move!" George yells; I meet his eyes and just shake my head at him. How could this have happened? My leg throbs, but I barely notice the pain. I'm more concerned about the pain I see in front of me. Vases smashing everywhere. The beautiful flower arrangements now up in flames. Split drinks, food abandoned as the marquee empties. 

"Lily," George grabs me by the shoulders. It's only when he crouches down do I realise I'm on the ground, but the funny thing is I don't remember falling. 

"Listen to me. You need to snap out of this. We need to go. Lily, we need to go now." George says firmly as his eyes search my own for some confirmation. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head slowly. He's right. I can't lose focus now. We need to leave. We need to find Fred and get out of here before we get caught. 

"Okay, okay good." George says, relief clear across his face as he pulls me off the ground. "Is that going to be a problem?" George gestures to my leg, concern etched in his voice, but I just shake my head. 

"No I can still Appa-" 


My eyes widen as I see the fountain centre piece fall, almost in slow motion, towards me. The scream barely leaves my lips when George pulls me out of the way and we both land in a heap on the floor. 

"Ugh," I groan as I push myself off George. He, too, looks dazed as he has trouble focusing on me. The throbbing intensifies. My hands can't stop shaking as I move my once clean, slightly creased dress away to reveal the gash. That's not good. That's not good at all. The blood oozes out to confirm my diagnosis. 

Shutting my eyes momentarily, I have to take yet another deep breath. Everything is going crazy. There are Death Eaters at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Death Eaters. I've never had a worst bad day than today. This is painful. It's one thing to be trapped in my own pain, but to see everyone I care about scream in terror makes me feel sick. 

It's okay. I mean nothing is really okay and there's really no convincing me at this moment whether they'll be okay again, but this situation needs the smart Lily. The cunning Lily. The don't-give-a-damn Lily. Right now I can't afford to let myself get consumed with the thought of danger, because there are lives at stake. 

I need to be Lily Fowler. 

My eyes fly open with a new sense of determination. Hands balled tightly into fists, I use the chair to pull myself off the ground. Struggling with the weight of my own body, the chair ends up tilting, but a hand reaches out to steady it. 

The silent conversation between George and I lasts for a brief second, before he too stands up, rather shakily. 


Our heads snap to the owner of the voice simultaneously. Fred smiles for a split second before dropping to the floor on his knees. Not needing to communicate with one another, we both raise our wands and point it at the collapsed body.

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