How You Met (Louis)

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(Y/F/N) = Your friends name 

(Y/N) = Your name

"Please (Y/N)!! We'll only be there for like an hour! PLEASE!!" (Y/F/N) begged. "No! I refuse to go to a party where I don't know anyone! Or who the party is even for." You argued. "It doesn't matter! I don't know who the party os for either!!" She replied. "Then why do you want to go?" You questioned. ". . . . . . I heard there was a lot of cute guys there." She muttered. "And there's gonna be lots of free food!" She bargained. ". . . .alright fine. But i'm only going for food." You said. You huffed as you trudged your feet upstairs to change to 'party' material'. By twenty minutes, you've arrived at the party. It had a decent amount of people. Half of them sober and half drunk. So it was THIS type of party. You immediately ditched (Y/F/N) and headed towards the food table. Your eyes instantly filled with joy. Cake. Punch. Chips. Tiny sandwiches. Strawberries. Crackers. CHOCOLATE FONDUE. Holy heaven. You grabbed a small plate and decided to tackle the strawberries and chocolate first. You didn't want to look like a pig with a lot of food on your plate, so decided to make a second trip later. You turned around to head a table but stopped dead in your tracks when a man stopped in front of you. He was beautiful. He had brown hair with piercing blue eyes. "Whoa, hello there handsome." You thought. He smirked. "Hello there beautiful." Your eyes went wide. "Did I just say that out loud??" You asked flustered. He chuckled and nodded. "I see your enjoying the food!" He said looking at your full plate of fruit. "I'm Louis" he introduced. "Oh. . Yeah. I really like food. ." You said, slightly embarrassed. "Nice to meet you Louis. I'm (Y/N)." You said shaking his hand. He escorted you to an empty room and you guys spent the whole time in there just laughing and talking. By the end of the party, you had each others number and a future date planned.

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