Imagine for MykaMolo

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"I'll see you when you get back." Niall mumbled against your lips, obviously not wanting to let you go to the airport.

You were here to see your boyfriend of a year from Hong Kong, but it ended to quickly before you had to go back home and start school again. Of course you had to have a secret relationship from the fandom. You saw how much hate the girls that dated Niall before you got and you didn't want that. Niall fully understood, not wanting the relationship to end so soon.

"Then let me go." You giggled, pushing on his chest lightly, but failed. "Promise you'll come and visit?" You asked, your head in the crook of his neck smelling his cologne he always wore.

"I promise." He whispered before walking you to the cab that was waiting in front of you, ready to take you to the airport before you missed your flight.


You landed in Hong Kong after a slow and tiring flight. Your parents waited for you like they always did when you came back and took you home, ready to settle you back in after a month of going away.

The day came where you were walking to school, no body noticed your long vacation and you were all up to date since you took some homework along with you. No one even got the slightest thought you were dating someone supre famous, not one bit.

The day dragged on with no text or calls from Niall. Even though you knew he was at the studio for most of the day, you felt lonely with out getting at least one text out of him. Your friends chatted about the latest gossip in the native langage, not bothering to add you in. You weren't that much into gossping that much.

When the bells rang, everyone flooded the front gates. The teachers trying to push through the tiny school that had heaps of teenagers enrolled. You waited out on the sidewalk, finally got out of the crowd and waited for your parents to pick you up. They were always on time, but a certain car caught your eye that was parked just across from you. Peering deeply into the window you saw the familiar face with ray bans hiding his eyes with curly locks sitting next to him.

"Oh my god." You whispered before running quickly across the road with the bag in your hand. "You came a day I left!?" You squealed, jumping the the Irish boy, sending him toppling back onto the cement.

"Yeah, I'm staying for a few days. Managment set up a concert here." He smiled pearly whites.

"Well then come on, i want to show you around!"


Hoped you liked it Myka :)

Remember if you guys would like an imagine, just request one and I'll do it as soon as possible :)

Jezabel01 Xx

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