He's Having An Affair - Part 3 (His P.O.V)

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Harry- I spent my days wallowing in my cold messy house. (y/n) refused to answer my pleading messages, causing me to slowly fall into a deeper hole of self-pity. After she had found out, Cara called, trying to convince me that her and I belong together. I told her no and to stop contacting me, after a few tears she finally agreed and hung up. So here I am, alone and wishing that I could see (y/n)’s face. I’m going to do something about it. I will get her back. I will beg on my knees until she allows me to pull her into my arms. I will never let her go. My feet took me to the door before I knew what was happening. Knowing she was most likely at her friends  home, I drove there. It was probably an utterly terrible thing to do, driving in my condition. I hadn’t slept in days. I couldn’t, everytime my eyelids dropped shut I saw (y/n)’s hair swirling around her face shining in the sunlight. Just thinking about it caused my eyes to become blurry. I neared her friend’s house, the nerves building up. As pulled up the driveway, all I could think of was how much I loved her. My fist hit the hard wood door, and it swung open revealing an equally bad looking (y/n). She tried to shut the door telling me in a meek voice to leave. I could tell she was just about to let her tears fall. So badly, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and end the pain that she was feeling, that I was causing. Her eyes looked straight into mine. She whispered I miss you. She asked why. I couldn’t answer. Any speech that I had planned to say quickly vanished with the sight of her beautiful face. Then she cried, collapsing on the ground. I fell next to her, letting tears escape. She couldn’t take it anymore, she wrapped her arms around me and buried her head into my chest. I apologized although it was over. The fighting was over, the pain was over. We were together once again.

 Louis- I dropped to the ground as her car rounded the corner, disappearing from my sight. It was over. Not only were (y/n) and I over, but also my life. It was an indescribable feeling, losing the only person who actually meant something to me, the only person who knew my life in complete. She was my world, my inspiration, and I messed it up for sex. As I lay on the ground, crying into balled up fists like child, Anna came out of the car. She walked over with a disgusting little smirk on her face. Although my life had come to an abrupt stop, she assumed hers was just starting. As her small arms wrapped around me, I snapped. Not on purpose, she just seemed so happy at my demise. I yelled at her. Screaming, asking why she was smiling, why she did this to me. When my questions did not work at getting her to go, I said the only thing I could think of to make her leave. I yelled that I didn’t love her and never would, I yelled that even though I knew it would crush her. I watched as she got further and further from me stumbling to her car, tears streaming down her face. I didn’t care. I wanted (y

), I needed her. Slowly, I rose to my feet and ran to my car, set on getting (y

) back. I drove to Harry’s house, knowing that she would have gone to her best friends house. Luckily, I also know Harry has my back and would let me talk to her. Nerves shot down my back as I walked to his door. He gently opened it, either not wanting me to see behind him or not wanting the person behind him to see me. I pleaded with him, tears slowly seeping from my eyes. He looked behind him as if for approval. After a short moment he slowly pulled the door open revealing a tear stricken (y/n). Harry glared at me, obviously upset that I had done such damage to a person who meant so much. He hesintatingly walked to the kitchen, checking behind him ever so often. I looked back to (y/n), her hands slightly trembling. Before I could comprehend what was happening, a small hand hit my cheek leaving a stinging feeling coursing through my skin. Quickly, she appologized. A small smile hid behind my lips as I explained that it was all right and I deserved it. She nodded in agreement, happy to not have hurt my feelings. Clusters of tears escaped down her cheeks. My mouth waterfalled apologizes, hoping she would accept at least one of them. She ran at me, embracing me in her warm arms. I smiled and nuzzled my face into her neck, overjoyed that she was once again mine.

Liam- I opened the door and chased after her, screaming her name. She turned, trying not to make eye contact. Tears were already welling at the base of her eyes. Looking into her eyes, seeing how much hurt I have caused, forced me to break down too. I attempted to squeak out some sort of apology or long amazing speech that would be so good she would have no choice but to run straight into my arms. Nothing would come out, no words, no sounds, nothing. She stood waiting for me to say something, I couldn’t. My eyes stared at hers. It’s terrible for me to say this, considering the situation, but she looked beautiful. Almost the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Her eyes glistened in the sun, full of tears. There was a slight flush to her cheeks, her chest moving up and down with her hard breaths. The hair on her head was sticking to her face and neck, swirling around her head in a fury. Realizing I was not able to say anything she turned back to the car. Once again I said her name, the ability to talk flooding back to me. She stopped still facing the car. I ran to her stopping a few feet from her. I apologized, telling her how much she meant to me, how much I loved her, how I would die without her. Her head layed on the car window, still refusing to face me. I edged closer to her, cautiously putting my hands on her shoulders, testing my boundaries. She flinched at the cool touch of my hand. In a moment she was turned facing me, her arms wrapping around me, warming me, comforting me. I buried my face in her hair, smelling her shampoo. She mumbled a small I love you and gently placed her lips on mine.

 Niall- I wanted to chase her down, beg for her forgiveness, hold her in my arms. I couldn’t though, my feet refused to move even an inch. Keeping me not only away from (y/n), but also in the paparazzi picture line. I stood there, tears falling from my eyes, just wanting to be alone in my misery. The paparazzi obviously had no respect and kept flashing pictures, momentarily blinding me. My feet carried me away. Away from the paparazzi, away from the show, and to (y/n). I ran straight to our home together. Only stopping for short breaths of air. Gasping and wheezing, I made it to our door, already flung open in (y/n)’s fury and hurt. I ran to our room, using the last bit of energy I had. There she was, throwing things into a bag and weeping. Not wanting to scare her I sat on the bed. She turned to me, words that she didn’t mean flying out of her mouth. Words like, I hate you, I never want to see you again. Saying it over and over wont make it true. I think that’s what she wanted though. She wanted to hate me, she wanted to not want to see me ever again. I knew and she knew that she couldn’t. We loved each other to much. I sat on the bed as she hurled insults and arguements. When it was my turn to speak, I told her how much I loved her, what she meant to me, what would happen to me without her. I told her she was my world, my life. She looked away briefly, deciding wether I deserved to call her mine. Soon when she reached a decision, she came to me. Arms wide open. I gladly accepted, pulling her close to me and mumbling sweet things into her ear.

Zayn- I stood still, trying to process what had just happened. Trying to process that (y/n) might not be in my life tomarrow. I wanted to go out and chase her, but I couldn’t. Behind me I could hear Hannah happily skipping down the stairs. A huge grin probably plastered on her face. I turned to face her, and I was right. She smiled at me. (Y/n) finding out, to Hannah, meant not that I might slowly die of a broken heart but that she got to date me now. She figured that now since my girlfriend was not going to take me back I would go to my back up girl. She clung on to my shirt kissing my neck, I pushed her off. Angered that she could so easily blow this event off like nothing had happend. She asked what the matter was, trying to make it seem like she actually didn’t know. I told her to leave. She wouldn’t listen. I yelled, telling her that there was nothing between us, nothing but sex. Tears fell and she ran out of the house. I sighed in relief, rid of one problem. I walked out the door hoping to find (y/n) still there. I walked out and saw her sitting on the step, to upset to move any further. Cautiously, I sat next to her. She turned her head to face me. My eyes glossed over as I saw what I had caused, her face was pale and her eyes were filled to the brim. I used my thumb to wipe off some of her falling tears. She asked me why I had did it. She asked if it was worth it. She asked if I even loved her. The last question made me break down. I quickly rambled out everything I loved about her, how seeing her face every morning made me the happiest man alive. A small smile grew on her lips and she wrapped her arms around me. We both cried into each others necks. Crying, and laughing because we were crying.

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