Imagine for ali_smiles

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You told him you wanted to get lost on purpose; to see life from perspectives unknown to you; to be completely vulnerable to the trees and uncharted landscape, and to feel all of that with him.

However, the predicament you were in was far from the dreamlike one you had envisioned for yourself. It had been over an hour since you had seen a single car or streetlight. You looked to the darkening sky and couldn’t escape the sudden nervousness you felt in the pit of your stomach. You were lost and it was getting dark. The world was unfamiliarly quiet.

The only sounds of life came from up ahead: a cleared throat met with soft words: “You okay, love?” He looked back at you and smiled. This small gesture alone seemed to calm you.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” You walked a few paces ahead before bringing up what had been worrying you moments before. “It is getting dark though. Are you sure we’re going the right way?” You asked.

Harry nodded and ran his hand through his hair. “Uh…yeah. We’re going…northwest, which is good because…umm…yeah, we’re going the right way, love. Everything’s fine.” These abnormally long pauses between words told you that you were in fact, not going the right way. You watched him struggle to pull the map from his backpack. He kept flipping the map from one side to the next, until settling for the side that he had started with. You let out a small laugh before walking up beside him.

“You’re quite the talent there.” You said sarcastically.

“Why?” He asked, as he draped his arm over your shoulder.

“You’re reading it from upside down.” You said before kissing his cheek.

“It’s…oh.” He let out a heavy sigh and reached for your hand. “Well, I think it’s safe to say I’ve officially gotten us lost. I’m sorry, Alicia. I know this isn’t what you had in mind.”

“It’s okay.” You replied quietly, as you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, do you remember when we walked through the field behind your house? When we reached the edge of the field, you told me you hadn’t ever been past that point, and so I grabbed your hand and we just kept going. We walked until the trees took on different shapes and the sky was void of its cool colors. And we thought we had somehow managed to get closer to the sun.” You looked over at Harry and could see the soft smile resting on his face. “Well, this is kind of like that, except it’s dark and your house is hundreds of miles away, and—”

“Don’t ruin it.” He said, as he nudged your shoulder. “Come with me, love.” He suddenly made a sharp left and began walking toward the trees; they swayed back and forth and creaked in the wind.

“Where are we going?” You asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t know where the ground will lead us, or if the sky will take on pale pinks and oranges before we find anything or anyone, but I can take that; I can go through all of the uncertainties of life if I’m facing them with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s past a field that brings us closer to the sun, or backpacking through Western Europe with a map I obviously can’t read—it’s okay. I’m okay—we are okay. I want it all with you.”

He stopped for a moment. His fingers trickled through your hair; his lips settling for an indiscriminate part of your cheek. For the first time, you felt completely centered in where you were. 

Eventually, you found yourself at the top of a hill. You sat down and and rested your head on his shoulder. Your mouth fell open, as you let a small gasp. “Harry…” You said faintly.

“Hmm.” He replied.

You pointed to the distant north. The city lights looked like fallen stars, gracing the darkness with pieces of heaven. It was as if you were looking at the world from that untouched place—everything you wanted.

“I think—I think that’s Paris.” Harry said, as he pointed to a spot on the map. You let out a small laugh before digging your nose into the crook of his neck.

“I think you’re right.” You replied


Hope you like you like it Alicia :) The whole idea was from Tumblr, just changed it.

Jezabel01 Xx

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