You Get Hate (Harry Liam Niall)

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Harry: You knew that from the beginning of your relationship with Harry, not many of the fans would like the fact that their “Cupcake” was taken. Some fans understood that if he’s happy their happy, but you were still waiting to meet one of the understanding fans. When the hate started to get out of control, Harry took you on holiday, thus making you unable to check Twitter to read the hate. You guys arrived back home at your shared flat and the first thing you did was check your social media accounts. You were hesitant to check Twitter because you didn’t want Harry to notice you reading the hate towards you. You looked around the room, Harry was not present at the time. You figured he must have went to get the rest of your luggage from the car. You quickly skimmed through some tweets form your friends then saw the hate beginning. So much profanity and name calling. You immediately shut the laptop and curled into a ball on your bed. You faced the opposite way of the door so when Harry came in he wouldn’t notice you crying. You tried to muffle the sounds of your sobs in the pillow but once Harry walked in he heard your quiet weeps. He sighed angrily, picked up your laptop, opened it up and permanently shut down your Twitter account. You didn’t do anything to try and stop him, you just tried to pull yourself together. Harry then lied down on the bed with you and pulled you into his chest. “Please, Y/N, for my sake, no more Twitter, ever again.” He whispered to you sounding worried about you as he rubbed circles on your back, holding you tight and never letting go.

Liam: You got hate because you and Liam are complete opposites. He’s known as the sweetie and you’re the “Bad Girl”. Everyone thinks that Liam has changed so much because of your bad influence. You ignored it at first but once they started doing their research about your past and posting it all over the internet. You tried to hide your dark past from Liam and were successful at the moment but once you saw the tweets to everyone you knew, including Liam, you panicked. You tried to flag them and get them deleted so that no one would see them but you knew the damage was already done. You ran to the bathroom, locked the door, dropped to your knees, buried your face in your hands and let the tears pour out. You cried on the bathroom floor for over 15 minutes, from everyone knowing your history and all of the awful memories returning. Liam got very worried and didn’t even bother knocking or asking if you were okay, he just rammed into the door knowing it would be locked. Once he saw the state you were in he ran to your side like a puppy worrying about it’s owner. “Y/N, what’s the matter?” You didn’t want to tell him the truth so you just sat there continuing to cry. “Please tell me what happened, Y/N. I can help you.” He said still trying to get you to talk. “There’s nothing…you can do!” You said between sobs. “I can still try, Y/N. Please just talk to me. Please.” He begged and you broke. You told him everything about your horrible past and showed him the tweets to him about it. “I’m a Bad Girl because of my past and it made me grow tougher but I didn’t want you to find out because…” You stopped mid sentence not wanting to continue. “Because why, Y/N. You can tell me.” “Because I KNEW that you would leave me if you found out. Everyone always does. All my friends, ex-boyfriends, hell even my own siblings don’t want anything to do with me. You’re the only thing that has helped me forget about my troubled past. You’re the one reason I smile everyday. You’re the reason I’m still living this fucked up excuse of a life!” Your voice raising a bit louder towards the end. “Y/N, we all have bad times in our lives, but those are just small wounds that can healed when you finally reach the best thing you will ever get. Like us. I love you, Y/N. I would never dream of leaving you because of things that happened decades ago. Just remember that our future is bright, Y/N. As long as I’m here, nothing will ever hurt you ever again.” “I love you too, Liam.”

Niall: You are Niall are always eating and that’s why you got hate. You had a rough childhood. Your parents wanted you to be like all the other smart, successful, pretty girls but you knew that was impossible. They always yelled at you for the smallest things and said you will never amount to anything. It may sound stereotypical but you ate to cover your sadness. Once you met Niall, you knew something good finally came out of your worthless life. Niall knew how sensitive you were about what people thought of you, so he didn’t let you have a Twitter account. The thing he doesn’t know is that one night your friend said you would love Twitter so she made you an account. You always check it secretly once in a while. You used it to follow your favorite celebrities and your friends but once the fans found out about your Twitter account you received a huge amount of hate. You always scrolled past it, but this time there was so much hate it seemed like it went on forever. Everyone was calling your an idiot, for not doing so well in school, and a pig, for always stuffing your face. When Niall walked in you tried your very best to hold back the tears, but it was no use he saw your eyes swelling up with pain and sadness. He grabbed your laptop from your hands and saw your secret Twitter account logged on and full of hate. He simply shut the laptop, put it in a box in your shared closet, and ran to your side. “C’here.” He whispered pulling you into a hug, letting your cry on his shoulder. “We’ll talk about this later, Y/N. Whenever you’re ready.” He kissed the top of your head and held you even tighter, letting you know he’s here when for you.

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