He's Having An Affair (His P.O.V)

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Harry- I looked back at (y/n), sleeping in our bed. She looked like an angel and here I am leaving. It’s not that I liked cheating on her, or that I didn’t love her. No, I love (y/n) with all of my heart…It’s just I wanted some spice in my life. That’s a terrible reason for having an affair, but it’s all I have. I closed my eyes, trying to rid the guilt from my body as I crept out of our room. It wasn’t the first time, Cara and I were good friends…and it grew into something more. I opened our front door, sure not to wake (y/n), and stepped into the bitter weather. Cara’s car was lined up with our sidewalk. I walked through the snow, doubt eating me up like it always does when I leave with Cara. I opened the car door and saw Cara’s blonde hair. I shut the door escaping from the cold snow that was falling gracefully from the sky. Her lips came in contact with my cheek and we sped away. Me, leaving my only love to be home by herself.

Louis- I listened carefully to her footsteps. The sound of the door closing echoed throughout the house. She had gone. Only for a few days, her friends offered to take her to a spa. We had been away from each other before, but it was always hard. The roar of (y/n) car slowly went away the further away she got. A new car engine sounded and pulled up the driveway. I know who it was, Anna, and I know it’s wrong to let her come over. I don’t love Anna, no, not nearly as much as I do (y/n). You ask why, why then are you with her? The answer is simple. I don’t know. I love (y/n). I want to grow old with her. I want to have children with her and be with her. Anna is just so intoxicating. The danger of sneaking around excites me. The first time I met Anna was on tour. I hadn’t seen (y/n) is nearly 3months and here’s Anna just coincidently right there when I’m missing (y/n) the most. I neared Anna’s car, her bright eyes shining in the darkness. I stepped into the car with my overnight bag, driving away with Anna. Driving away for the 3 nights that (y/n) would be gone for. Then I would hold (y/n) in my arms, I would hold her and tell her she’s beautiful. I will convince her of the amount of love I have for her. I would tell her there is no one else, knowing full well, that there is.

Liam- Her eyes glistened with tears. She slowly stood, watching her friend in a white dress stride down the aisle. I stood as well, my concentration completely and fully on (y/n). She glanced at me and slowly pressed her lips to mine before turning back to the ceremony. We sat down once more, my eyes not drifting from her beautiful features. The ceremony ended, her soft hand found mine attempting to pull me up from my seat. As I slowly came back to realization that it was over, I stood up intertwining my fingers with hers. The rest of the night, the cocktail hour, the reception, it all passed in a blur. (y/n) had left earlier during the reception. I was left alone in a room full of her friends. I had no idea who any of them were. None of them except for Alex, the maid of honor. Alex and I had a rather…complicated relationship. Complicated meaning…we have sex a lot. Alex wandered up to me, I already knew what was happening. I already knew that I wouldn’t be waking up to (y/n) face the next morning. I already knew that I would have to think of a reason I stayed out so late. I already knew what Alex and I would do when we left this wedding. So I wasn’t surprised when I walked out with Alex and when I fell asleep to her face instead of (y/n)’s, the girl who I would die for.

Niall- She slowly walked down the stairs, the golden dress flowing behind her. I watched her as if it were the first time I had seen light. She was beautiful. Her heels clicked on the marble floor. As soon as I had the chance, I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her perfect body. We were ushered out of the house by managers and workers. They pushed us into the limo along with the rest of the guys. I was too intoxicated by (y/n) beauty to listen to anything the guys were saying. The car stopped and we piled out. My arm pulled her close to me, not wanting the cameras or fans to scare her away. It wasn’t her first red carpet, but it was the largest yet. She kissed my cheek, the warmth of her lips calming me. I clung on to her as I glided down the carpet. For every picture, I made sure she was attached to my hip. Since this was the largest event, there were many stars she had yet to meet. Almost begging for the privilege to meet her idols, I nodded, allowing her to leave my side. I continued taking pictures with the band. I looked up to see Demi swaying her hips towards me. She looked amazing, not as magnificent as (y/n), but still gorgeous. Her lips attached to my ear, asking to go away for a bit. This wasn’t new. Demi and I occasionally see eachother, and they were usually when (y/n) was within 1sq. mile distance. I nodded allowing her hand to be placed in mine as she whisked me away. Probably to the bathroom or something along those lines. We would be quick and soon I would be back with my goddess.  

Zayn- I looked out the window at the clouds. I didn’t want to sleep, when I sleep I see her. I haven’t seen her in almost three months. After a while, it gets hard. Hard to sleep, hard to eat, hard to concentrate. But now, in a few minutes, I would be in her arms once again. I would be able to smell her hair, and taste her lips. Only a few minutes. The plane landed, and as soon as I could, I ran off, not caring about my luggage. I ran into the airport. My phone buzzed, lighting up with her name. My heart dropped as I picked up my phone and gently placed it to my ear, hearing her melodic voice. She told me she wouldn’t be here, she told me she would be home late, she told me that she was sorry. My smile shattered. I don’t blame her, she has a job, she is busy too. The boys noticed my face and ushered me away from the crowd of girls. The ride home was short, and soon I was inside my empty house. No one to hold, no one to love. There was a ding and the door opened. I swung around hoping to see my beautiful baby. Instead I saw Hannah. She strode to me, a graceful skip in her step. I looked down, regretting what was going to happen in just a small amount of time. Regretting that Hannah would be ushered out a mere 30min before (y/n) was home. I didn’t want Hannah but she was here and I was lonely. So here we were, me crashing my lips to hers instead of the only girl who actually mattered to me.

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