You Get In A Car Accident

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Louis- Louis and you were driving down the street, trying to get to dinner on time. He placed his hand on your thigh and looked at you lovingly. You looked back at him smiling. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a bright light coming at you head-on. You turned to look at the mysterious light and almost immediately everything went black. You woke up to a strange beeping noise. When you regained your senses, you tried to sit up. You were pushed to the bed. “Dear, it’s better to rest. Don’t try to sit up.” You looked at her, you could faintly remember what happened. You started to cry, screaming “Where is he!? Where is Louis!? Where is he!?…Where is he…” Your words were lost in tears. Even though you knew she couldn’t understand you anymore, you continued to ask where he was. “Honey…he is in surgery right now. He is lucky he didn’t die on the scene of the accident. You were hit head-on by a drunk driver. I’m going to give you some medicine to help you sleep.” You tried to protest but your voice wouldn’t work anymore. Slowly, you could feel your senses turn off as the medicine kicked in and your eyes closed.

Harry- You and Harry were speeding down the highway to your parent’s house. You turned the radio on to kill the boredom that was eating you away. As you turned it up, you and Harry’s favorite song came on. You both snapped your heads and looked at each other, beginning to sing. You were both jamming out to the song. You turned to glace at the road. “Harry!” you screamed pointing at the animal that had just run out in front of your car. He swerved to avoid the small raccoon. Everything went black after that. Slowly, you regained consciousness. You opened your eyes and saw you were still in the little mangled car. In front of you, close enough to touch, was a tree. To your right, there was a hole where the window had been. To your left was Harry, eyes closed and bloody. You came to realization of what had happened. You used all the strength you had left and managed to open the car door. You crawled out to see pieces of glass stuck in your arms and legs. At the moment though, you didn’t even care, Harry was in the car unconscious and dying.

Niall- Niall and you were driving home from the movies. You were both very anxious to get home. You leaned over the middle divider in the seats and started to kiss his neck, not being able to wait until home. He occasionally closed his eyes due to his immense amount of pleasure and sexual tension. You opened your eyes to kiss his face, but instead you were blinded by two headlights coming straight for Niall’s side of the car. When you woke, you were lying on the ground next to the car, or I guess you can’t really call it a car anymore due to the fact that the whole left side was smashed in. You could hear the light murmur of voices and you could see the flashing blue and red lights. Someone started to wrap you up and place you on a stretcher. Nothing really hurt, but you did have a bad headache. You wanted to understand what had just happened so you turned your head. You immediately regretted the slight movement. Not because of pain, but because of the sight you saw. Niall was lying on the ground, officers and ambulance people swarming him. He was drenched in blood. You watched him barely noticing the tears that were falling from your eyes. Neither of his eyes were open. You didn’t see what happened because they put you in the little box on wheels.

Liam- “How could you cheat on me!?” you screamed at your boyfriend Liam as you two were driving down the road in the winter. “I didn’t! I told you not to believe every picture you see!” You scoffed and crossed your arms angrily looking out the window. “You two were all over each other. That’s kinda hard to photo-shop.” He didn’t reply for a minute. “(y/n), please I promise I didn’t cheat on you. I would never do that. I love you.” You turned to see him facing you. “I don’t know if I ca-“ You were cut off by the tires screeching on the ice. It felt as if you were flying through the air, which, you didn’t know at the time, was actually what was happening. You landed with a thud on the ground and pain shot through your body, making you cry out. People were all around you, calling for help on their phones. Through your struggled breaths, you managed to tell them someone was still in the car, that someone being you boyfriend Liam. Some people ran to the car and others stayed with you on the street. Soon, the paramedics were there. They went to Liam first, shouting things at each other. Things that scared you, things that made it sound as if he was dying. Which couldn’t be true, could it?

Zayn- Zayn and you were going home from a nice night on the beach together. You hadn’t had that much fun in a while, just you, him, and the ocean. “(y/n), I love you so much.” You turned to him, “I love you too.” Smiling he leaned over and kissed you. “You are amazing.” He mumbled against your lips making you giggle a bit. “Zayn, you ar-…going to crash!! Watch out!” It was too late. You both flew down the small hill. With a splash the car and all the contents, including you and Zayn, were in the ocean. You looked over to see his head resting on the steering wheel, a light drizzle of blood going down his face. You started to panic as water began to come into the car. People were stopped up on the streets calling the police and yelling at you to get out, but you couldn’t just leave Zayn there. You shook him, hard, crying you yelled at him. “Zayn get up! Baby please! Please get up!” You felt someone pulling you away from your boyfriend. You were almost all the way underwater. You struggled against the force pulling you away from Zayn, but soon it became to much you went limp tears heavily flowing down your face. You watched your boyfriend get further and further away from your reach.

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