What You Do When You're Trapped Inside By Snow

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Harry- Harry and you love to cuddle up in bed. You will wake up and look out the window. If he sees a lot of snow, he will refuse to let you get out except for the bathroom and food. He wraps his arms around you protectively, making sure you are safe and warm at all times. You both lay, tangled, talking. Even though it doesn’t sound like much. It is your favorite place to be on a cold day.

Louis- Whenever it’s too cold to go out, Louis loves just to cuddle up on the couch and watch movies. His favorite types of movies to watch with you are scary ones. You always complain their to scary, and not at all part of the winter mood. He argues back that the scary movies make you cuddle into his chest more and he loves to hold you. In the end you give in and watch a movie marathon of horrifying movies.

Niall- Niall and you love more than anything, to cuddle up and roast marshmallows on a snowy day. You don’t plan to roast marshmallows. He sits on the couch with you wrapped in his arms. After a while, you both become bored so he breaks out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. It’s kinda becoming a tradition so to speak.

Liam- Liam loves Christmas carols. He will just walk around the house singing them. After only minutes you get slightly tired of the repetitive song choice. When he walks to the bedroom, you sneak up behind him and tackle him onto the bed laughing. He rolls you over, so he is hovering above you, and leans down gently but passionately placing his lips upon yours.

Zayn- On cold snowy days, Zayn loves to bake with you. Whenever the snow starts to fall, he automatically turns into a wonderful baker. He doesn’t just bake cookies. He bakes pretty much anything sweet. Of course your baking sessions usually turn into a food fight, the food is good.

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