You Tell Him The News - Part Two

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You walked out to see Harry with his head in his hands, sniffling abit as you silently opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom to see Harry waiting for you right next to the door. He had his head in his hands and he was rocking himself back and fords. He kept murmuring something around the lines of 'please let it happen'.

"Harry." You croaked out. His head shot up and he was all of a sudden off the ground and in front of you.

"What does it say." He asks you. You hand him the test with shaking fingers and he looks up at you, with a hopeful smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

"How - does this mean - what?" He was lost of words and didn't know what the sign means. You looked down and then up at him again.

"We're going to be parents." You whispered. There was a minute of silence until Harry came up to you and hugged you tightly and giving you a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you so much for giving me something more in this marriage." He whimpered. You laughed and cried at the same time.

"Hang on. We have to get the nursery ready and-and the baby clothes, nappies uh and food an-" He was about to continue his ramble when you cut him off.

"Harry! We just found out that we're having a baby. I'm pretty sure we can figure out what to get along the way." You reasurred him. He nodded and gave you another small hug.


"Uh, I'm in the bathroom." You called, while you sat on the toilet.

"Hey baby, how was your da-" You looked up to see Louis's eyes on the test. He walked over and took it out of your hand. He shook his head and walked out and as soon as you heard the door open and close you broke down crying, right in the bathroom on the cold white tiles. How could your own husband want a baby so badly but then when you find out that you finally are, he leaves without a word and it's quiet obvious that he doesn't want the baby but you do.

You pick yourself up and walk to what used to be your shared bedroom with Louis, grabbed a spare suitcase and put it open on the bed. Your grabbed al your clothes in the wardrobe and chest drawers. You went to the bathroom, grabbed the test and your other things. It took you a whole hour because most of the time you cried while packing and you had to blow your nose.

You heard the door open and Louis walked in with a plastic bag. You didn't lok up at him once and zipped up your bag.

"Baby, what are you doing." He asked you as you tried to get around him, but he blocked your way.

"That's it Louis. That's not what you want, because you just walked right out the front door without saying a word." You cried. He dropped the bag on the ground and took the suitcase out of your hands and dropped it to the ground to with a 'thump'. He wrapped his arm around you and sat on the edge of the bed with you in his lap.

"I'm sorry. I went out to get somethings for us tonight so we could celebrate. I didn't mean to make you upset or anything and leave without saying how happy I was. As soon as I was in the car I was estatic, and I was so excited that we're having our very own baby." He said as he rocked back and forth. You calmed down and laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asked, confusion evident in his voice.You shook your head.

"I don't know?" You shrugged. Louis just laughed and picked up the plastic bag, walking both of you downstairs.


"So what's the test results say?" He asked, worry clearly in his voice.

"Well, the doctor came in with a smile on her face and when she handed her results....." I grabbed the paper and looked at it once more before I handed it to him. He scanned through it until he stopped and froze, his eyes went big.

"You're pregnant. We're pregnant." He whispered. You nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Doesn't make sense now? The morning sickness?" You asked. He nodded and pecked your lips a few times. You heard the door open and saw the doctor come in with another piece of paper and the same smile on her face.

"This is when your first ultrasound will be." She said and handed the piece of paper to Zayn who happily took it and read it.

"It's next month." He answered and let you have a look. You nodded and put both papers in your bag.

"Your free to go no Mr and Mrs Malik." She said before she left to treat another patient.

"Let's go babies." He said as he put a hand on your back and a hand on your stomach, rubbing circles on it.

"Let's go."


"Hello." I answered in the phone.

"Liam, (Y/N) needs you here at home now and she has exciting new for you." The the phone went dead. That was very odd for her to act like that, especially around me.

"Hey, Niall. ell the others I've gone home early because (Y/N) needs me." Niall nodded and went to tell the boys. I walked out the doors and hoped in my car quickly so I could avoid fans.


"I'm home!" I yelled. Mum came out from the kitchen and hugged me.

"How was your day, honey?" She asked as she released her hug on me.

"Good, good. Um, you said (Y/N) wanted to tell me exciting news over the phone so I came as quick as I could. Where is she?" I asked looking around the room.

"She's upstairs sleeping, be quiet and don't make her to angry because.....yea just because." She reasurred me. Well that was weird.

I skipped 2 stair at a time and walked to our bedroom door that me and (Y/N) share. I quietly opened the door and saw my beautiful wife lying on the bed with her eyes closed and her hand running up and down her belly. She had a small smile on her face and she usually does that when she's having a good dream while sleeping. I walked over to the bed and layed next to her. She must of felt the bed shift because she turned over with sleepy eyes and the same smile on her face.

"Sorry to wake you up gorgeous." I said as I moved a piece of hair out of her face.

"It's ok. I have something great to tell you." She whispered as she ran her hand along my chin to feel my stubble. She loved doing that.

"Mmm. What is it?" I asked, wanting to know now.

"I'm pregnant, Liam. We did it, we're having a baby." She whispered.

"Are you serious." I sat up and so did she. She nodded her head up and down with happiness and I grabbed her into a hug, not wanting to let go.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too. And you as well little one." I said as I put my hand on her belly and rubbed it, giving it a little kiss.


After I sent the text and waited about 20 minutes, the door bursted open and Niall came in with a worried look on his face.

"Princess, are you okay. Did the fans get to you? Did you break something? Have you got a disese?" His bottom lips was trembling when he asked the last question.

"No silly. There's nothing wrong with me, but there is something good that has happened to both of us." He had a confused look on his face.

"Niall, what have we been trying for?" I quizzed him.

"A baby. Wh- wait." I nodded.

"OH MY GOD!" He yelled with his thick Irish accent. I giggled as he hugged me tightly, but not for long because he pulled back suddenly.

"I can't hug you as tight anymore. I have to be careful and I have to protect the both of you and-and-and."

"NIALL!" I screamed. He shut up and looked at me.

"I know you're excited but atleast calm down abit, for the babies sake because then you're going to get worked up and that's not good for the baby." I nudged him playfully.

"Whatever you say goes princess." He said as he leaned down to kiss me passionately, before stopping once again.

"Oh my god. We can't have sex for 9 months. NOO!" He faked cried as I just bursted into laughter.

"This is why I love you." I kissed him once again. I was finally happy again.

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