When He's Drunk

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Zayn: Emotional. Not in a goofy way but in all seriousness. He normally bottles up his emotions and just buries them away but when he is drunk everything comes spilling out, including many tears. As soon as you two get home the first thing he does is curl up on the bed, letting the tears fall and mumbling about how much he hates himself. It’s hard for you to see him so broken and vulnerable like that but you have to stay strong for him and help him. Which you always do by cuddling him for the night and whispering sweet shh’s into his hair.

Liam: Horny. To describe drunk Liam in one word horny would be that word. He cannot keep his hands off of you. He is normally not one for much PDA but when he is intoxicated he is touching you all over, kissing your neck, and squeezing your bum. He whispers dirty things into your ear making you get wet just imagining the images. In all honesty, you kind of like it when Liam is drunk.

Harry: Clumsy. He is always stumbling over his own feet and bumping into things. You always have to end up holding him to stand up straight. Even when you do he still falls most of the time. It’s kind of cute but can be hard when he’s so much bigger than you and you have to hold him up.

Niall: Loud. He is always belting out any song he can think of. Cursing and yelling stupid things. Niall is a very weird drunk but you end up laughing at your silly boyfriend. You sometimes even join him in his silly singing and yelling just so that he doesn’t feel embarrassed afterwards. 

Louis: Angry. He starts throwing things and screaming. You learned the hard way that there is no way to calm him down when he’s like this so you just go into a safe room and close the door, trying to drown out the sound of his anger and wait until you only hear silent sobs echoing through the flat, signalling for you to come out. 

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