You're At The Hospital And He's Worried

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Harry: You had hurt your ankle while playing football with the boys. Harry didn’t want to play but when he saw you get hurt he didn’t want to take any chances and rushed you to the hospital. “Harry, I’m fine. I just need some ice.” You tried to reassure him but he wouldn’t listen and dragged you into he hospital. You sat waiting for a doctor as Harry paced back and forth, murmuring the possibilities like that you could have hurt yourself severely or caused great damage to your bone. You rolled your eyes at his foolishness. You both were finally with a doctor. He did some x rays and told you both that it was a simple sprained ankle and to stay off your feet for a while and to put ice on it occasionally. Harry looked so relived and hugged you. You giggled a bit and thanked the doctor before leaving.

Niall: He had been out with the boys all night. You stayed up waiting for him or at least tried. It was getting very late and you were dozing off here and there. You finally fell asleep on the couch but were woken up by a loud crash. You jolted awake, obviously frightened by the noise. You slowly got up from your seat. You were thinking it might have just been a drunk Niall but didn’t want to risk making a sound. You crept into the kitchen but once you took a step in you were hit in your stomach with something sharp. You gasps and looked down to see a knife in you. The man who stabbed you quickly took the knife out and ran out. You quickly made your way to your phone and called 911. Niall had made it home right as the ambulance arrived. As you were rushed to surgery Niall patiently, but anxiously, waited for a Doctor to come over to him. When one did Niall wanted good news but didn’t really get it. “Mr. Horan, we are still unaware of the damage caused to Y/N. We will try everything we can but there is a possibility that she may not make it. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you better news.” Just like that Niall cracked and he dropped to the floor in tears. His sobs became harder as he began thinking that this happened because he wasn’t home with you.

Liam: You were playing with Lux when you fell and hit your head hard. Liam jolted up and rushed over to you. He held your head but when he saw blood he panicked. You quietly whined as Liam went to grab a small towel. He told you to hold it on your head while he picked up Lux and drove you to the hospital. Once you reached the building he hurried you inside. The doctor took you to a room but made Liam wait along with Lux. As soon as the doctor came out Liam was asking a million questions. “Where is she? Is she okay? Can I see her?” He rambled. “She is going to be okay. She has a slight concussion but we stitched her up. She should be fine but just watch out for any signs.” The doctor informed Liam. He sighs relieved that you were okay. The doctor leaded Liam to where you were and as soon as he saw you he hugged you and Lux gave your cheek a few kisses, making you feel better.

Louis: You two had gotten into a fight and when you finally had enough of the yelling and all the rude comments you grabbed your car keys and left. You weren’t going to leave him forever. You just needed some quiet time to calm down and think. As you were driving you started to worry about what Louis could be doing. He might have thought you left him and could hurt himself by getting to angry. You had to go back. As you were about to make a u-turn a car collided with yours. A near by citizen saw and called 911 immediately. You were taken straight to the hospital. Louis got a call and was devastated. He rushed to the hospital and searched for a doctor. “Mr. Tomlinson?” A man asked Louis. “Yes.” He replied calmly. “Sir, we have Y/N in a private room. We are prepping her for surgery. I will let you know afterwards.” The doctor informed him before leaving him worried in the waiting room. After the surgery the doctor came back. Louis prayed it was good news. “Mr. Tomlinson, Y/N is going be okay. She is being moved to recovery as we speak. It will be a while until she can go home though.” “Thank you so much.” Louis felt a huge wave of relieve flow through him body.

Zayn: You were having trouble breathingand Zayn quickly rushed you to the car. He drove without stopping, not caring how many lights he ran or how much trouble he’d get for it. You reached the hospital and were taken inside with the help of Zayn. A nurse quickly took you into a room and laid you down onto the bed. Another nurse was asking Zayn questions as to why this might have happened. He didn’t know anything and his answers made sense. You weren’t allergic to anything and you didn’t have asthma. Suddenly, your heart beat sped up and you were about to go into cardiac arrest. The nurse gently pushed Zayn out of the room as they tried to help you. He stood there outside the room speechless and very worried. 

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