The Morning After...

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your eyes flutter open slowly as the memories of last nights events come back to you. a small smile makes it’s way to your lips as you sit up pulling the white bed sheets closer to you naked body. harry is fast asleep next to you his bare back facing you. he shifts his weight and rolls over to face you. “good morning gorgeous.” he smiles. “good morning harry.” you smile back. his arm stretches out wrapping around your waist pulling you back down. “you’re so beautiful.”  he whispers pressing a kiss to your lips.


your head rests on his bare chest listening intently to his rythmic heat beat. watching the rise and fall of his chest while your fingers trace over his tattoos with a feathery touch. he seems completely oblivious. his eyes open slowly meeting yours. “hello babe.” he smiles down at you. “hello zayn.” you smile back shyly. “don’t be shy…” he whispers pressing a kiss to you lips and rolling on top of you. “you’re beautiful.” he says between kisses.


the two of you lay there not saying anything. your legs tangled bodys pressed together his fingers running through your hair and your creating patterens on his bare arms. “last night was…” he starts not finishing. “shh.” you hush him. “i love you.” he says kissing your forehead. “i love you too now shh.” you giggle pressing a kiss to him lips. he obeys pulling you as close as humanly possible as the two of you slip back to sleep.


you lie fast asleep the bed sheets pulled tight to your front not covering much of your back. niall wakes up looking over at you looking so peaceful. “god you’re beautiful.” he whispers. he moves closer to you wrapping an arm around your waist. trying not to desturb you. “so damn beautiful” he whispers again even though you can’t hear him in your state of slumber. he gathers you in his arms pulling you securely against his own body. before drifting back off to sleep with you.


you wake up to liam pulling you closer to his chest. a deep blush makes it’s way to you cheeks. “i love you.” he whispers. “i love you too liam.” you tell him trying to cover yourself better with the soft sheets. liams arms envolope you pulling you closer his chest against your back. “shh go back too sleep. it’s still early.” he says pressing a kiss to your exposed shoulder. “i’m sorry i woke you.” he says settling back down and falling asleep as well.

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