Father Time

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"Daddy!" Darcy screamed as Harry tickled her on the couch. She was only 6 years old which made it more and more fun. 

"Stop tickling me!" She screamed, trying to get away from Harry's strong grasp.

"Not until you see Daddy is the best and most hottest man in the world." He laughed.

"NEVER!" She screamed. Harry went into a fit of laughter which ended on him laying next to his little girl on the couch. Her small and tiny figure laying on his torso. 

When you came home from work, you opened the door to a messy house with toys everywhere. But it was silent, to silent for your liking. You walked into the living room to see pillows everywhere, movies opened, discs out and the television on. You shook your head and laughed silently when you saw the scene in front of you. Darcy laying on top of Harry fast asleep, actually make that both of them are asleep. Harry's arm was wrapped around Darcy's body and the other behind his head. You grabbed a clean blanket out of the cupboard and put it over them both, since you were guessing that Harry was staying with his baby girl tonight.


Amelia Tomlinson was probably the most prankiest little girl on the Earth. She was just like her farther. The brown hair, blue eyes, the giggle and the pranks and funny times. Amelia and your 25 year old husband were about to pull a prank on Niall, by tying a piece of chicken on a plastic line. They were both going to hide behind the couch and whenever Niall gets closer, they'll pull it closer and faster.

"Oi! Niall come here! Quick go, go." He motioned Amelia to hide as they ran quietly and waited.

"Yeah ma- hold up." He walked closer and was about to pick it up when it moved away from him.

"What the." He said as he was about to pick it up again, but it moved quicker and faster towards Amelia and Louis, both of them trying to contain their loud laughs.

"Get here you little." Niall ran to pick it up but when he went to get it from behind the couch, Niall froze and he didn't look happy. All of a sudden Louis and Amelia come screaming from out of the living room while Niall followed fuming red and screaming;

"I could've eaten that!"


"And they lived happily ever after." Zayn said as he closed the book shut. Your little 6 year old son, Elijah, always had to have a bed time stories before he went to bed. 

"Read me another one Daddy." He asked. Zayn shook his head and hugged his little boy.

"I can't, Mummy can't sleep without me, and if I don't go now she'll be very angry with me." Zayn whispered.

He tucked Elijah in, wrapping the superhero sheets around his small figure. And kissing his head for the night, leaving it lingering.

"Can you get Woofy for me?" Elijah asked as he pointed across to the little toy chest that had his favourite stuffed animal. Trisha got it for him when he was born and he loved it all the time, but the thing is that he'll keep askin for a puppy and you and Zayn would say you'd think about it.

"Sure mate." He picked it up and tucked it under the blankets.

"Now, you keep my son safe when he goes to sleep got it Woofy." He pointed his index finger at the toy dog, making your son laugh.

"Silly Daddy." He giggled.

"Yeah, but I'm your silly Daddy."


"Can you pass the remote Riley." Liam asked his 7 year old son. Him and Riley were all alone because you were at work. They both got bored of cleaning which was your most wanted thing for them to do and they both did a great job and since you don't get off till 10 they were lonely even though they were with each other.

"Her Dad." Riley said as he passed the remote to his father that her looked up to at all times, meaning what ever Liam did, Riley did. Whatever Liam said, Riley said. That puts a restraining on swearing around Riley because he loves his Dad so much he literally sponged up everything he does and copies them.

"Thanks buddy. Here come cuddle with me." Liam said as he held his arms out. Riley made no hesitantion and was cuddled into his fathers side in no time.

"I love you Daddy." Riley whispered, snugging more into Liam's side. Liam wrapped his arm tighter around his tiny figure and soon brought him on to his lap.

"I love you too Riley. I love you too." He said as he kissed his head.


"What do you want to eat tonight my babies?" Niall asked as he walked into the kitchen, rubbing his belly while he was looking through the pantry and fridge.

"NANDO'S" You and your 4 year old daughter Baily squealed.

"Alrighty then. Baily wanna come to Nando's with me?" Niall asked, holding his hand out for her to take.

"YES!" Baily squealed as her long blonde hair trailed behind as she ran to her Daddy. 

"Be safe." You said as you kissed Baily on the head and Niall on the lips.

While you were waiting for them to come home, you walked into the lounge room and turned on the television for it to come up with C.N.

"Niall Horan was spotted walking with little daughter Baily Horan." You smiled to yourself as you saw btoh of them walking hand in hand and one with Niall carrying her on his shoulders. You knew they were both truely happy with each other.

"We're back!" Niall's thick Irish accent echoed through.

"Hey, I saw you on T.V" You said to both of them. Baily gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

"I was on T.V!" She screamed as she ran into the living room to turn it back on. Her little legs running as fast as they could carry her.


Sorry I haven't posted in like 3 whole months. I was busy finishing off Dead Hearts and other books, but it's all good. I will post another one right after this one.

Jezabel01 Xx

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