He Acts Rude To You In Public (Liam Louis Zayn)

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Liam-   “Liam! Sweet-heart, come on we are going to be late for the reservation!” You hear him grumble something then he appears before you a smile on his face. “You look gorgeous as always.” A smile graces your lips at his compliment. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Instead of replying, his arms wrap around you pulling your lips to his. “Let’s go,” he mumbles into the kiss. You nod your head in agreement turning to grab your coat.

            As you step into the cold weather, his large arms find their way around you, attempting to warm you up. He leads you to the car then opens the door assisting you in.

           As you arrive at the restaurant, the sidewalks are empty, the snow falling from the sky mentally blockading everyone in their warm homes. Liam parks and quickly goes to your door to open it for you. He helps you out and leads you into the restaurant.

           Like usual, most conversations stop and all eyes are on you and your boyfriend. The host shows you to a table in the back, allowing you two at least a little privacy. Dinner was nice, more quiet than it usually was, thanks to the employees who would not allow anyone by your table.

            After Liam paid, you put your coat back on and grabbed his hand, leaving the restaurant. Unlike before, the sidewalk was crowded after word that Liam Payne had been residing in the small building. You tried to pull through the crowd, not in the mood to deal with a ton of fans and chaos at the moment.

            Soon though, you could no longer feel Liam’s hand in yours. Quickly, you turned, scanning the crowd. He was still stood in the middle basking in the glory. Gorgeous girls asking for pictures which he happily obliged to. You made eye contact with him, and gave him a look as if to say “can we please leave”. He ignored your plea and continued to talk to the ladies surrounding him.

             Not having the patience, you leave, alone, hailing a taxi to take you home. After you arrive, you decide to take a bath, wanting to wash off the hurt you’re feeling. Stepping into the hot water automatically puts your body at ease. Closing your eyes, you slowly daze off, only waking up when you feel a body get into the bathtub behind you.

             Your eyes open and you see it’s only Liam. “Hey sweetheart…” You whisper hi back and close your eyes once more, his lips connect to your neck, giving you small gentle kisses. “I’m sorry I ignored you.” A smile forms on your lips as you tilt your head to the side, giving him more access to your neck. “It’s okay Liam… I love you.” Against your neck, you can feel him smile as well. “I love you too (y/n).”

Louis-  As you looked at the crowd of people already forming outside of the hotel, your jaw dropped. It was only 4am why are they all awake? You turn, looking at Louis who was having a little meeting with the boys and Paul before we all headed to the next city. His eyes meet yours for a brief second before they go back to whoever was speaking at that time.              

            You turn once more looking to the girls outside, already snapping pictures and screaming. After a little while, Louis’ arm wraps around you.        

           ”We have to head out babe. Just keep your head down. They won’t hurt you.” You tried to listen, telling yourself over and over the fans were harmless, but what if some of them weren’t. What if the girls who sent you death threats on a daily basis were actually serious? You threw that thought out of your mind as you ducked your head allowing Louis to escort you from the building, security surrounding you.

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