You're Scared Of Commitment

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Harry- You felt his arms tighten around your waist, as his curls tickled the back of your neck. “Truth or dare?” his raspy voice asks. You close your eyes tapping your pointer finger on your chin. “I’m going to go with truth…” Warmth fills your cheeks causing them to redden in color at the thought of his previous truths.

“If I asked you right now… If you would marry me… What would you say?” Your harmless little game of truth or dare had just dropped to a very serious note. Harry and you had discussed marriage before, but never had you two seriously committed to one another.

“Harry…” He sighs and looks down, already knowing the answer to his question. “I just don’t get it (y/n), we have been dating for 3 years… Don’t you want to marry me?”

You uncomfortably run your fingers through your hair, hoping so badly the subject will change. “Of course I want to marry you… We are just so young and I’m just… I’m not ready… I’m sorry…” Harry nods, upset with the answer you had just presented him. He mumbles, “whatever” then walks from the room, leaving you alone.

Niall- The timer begins to beep, alerting you that the food in the oven has completed cooking. You slipped on your oven mitts and removed the hot tray. Just as you put the roast on the counter the doorbell sounded.

“Niall can you get that?!” No answer. You groaned, taking the mitts off and going to the front door to greet the boys and their girlfriends. “Hey everyone, I just finished dinner so you can all go sit. And…” You look around the living room, thinking maybe Niall had come out from hiding to greet the guests but he hadn’t. “And I have no idea where Niall is.”

You laugh while the boys go off to find him.

Finally, you were all sat around the table having light conversations with the people around you. While you were chatting with Harry, you heard Perrie clear her throat and look to you, everyone else at the table silenced and put their attention on you as well.

"(y/n), so when are you and Niall planning to tie the knot?" She giggled and stared at you in curiosity along with everyone else around the table.

You laughed and looked to Niall then back to Perrie, “Probably not for a while.”

Niall’s jaw clenched at your response.

After the goodbyes were all said, it was just you and Niall left to clean up dinner. You picked up a dish containing the remains of your dinner. “Did you really mean that? You don’t think we will get married for a while?” You sighed, knowing the earlier conversation had gotten to him. “I don’t know Niall, we are so young.” He clenches his jaw once more, nodding. “I’m going to go get some fresh air. Don’t wait up.” Knowing no words you say could make him stay, you just sighed as he walked out the door.

Louis- Clicking on the TV, you saw your boyfriend and the rest of One Direction. He had gotten up and left the hotel room early to make it to the interview.

The interviewer, a girl, was quite intrusive when asking about their personal lives, but having so much training with people like this, the boys answered the questions so they gave away just enough to keep the fans happy but not enough to publicize their personal lives.

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