Niall Horan Imagine {Colette}

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I woke up to the sun beaming on my face, the room a mess and the memories of last night. A small breeze wafted into the room as the curtains and windows were open. I looked around to see no Niall anywhere in the room, and as I was about to get up to look for him the door opened slowly and in walked Niall with a tray with eggs, bacon and sausages along with a mug of tea.

"Sit down princess." His thick Irish accent spoke, that's what I loved about him.

I followed his orders and sat up so my back was leaning on the head board. He came over slowly and put the tray on my lap, then sitting next to me. He leaned down to peck my cheek, then my neck and then to my lips. I giggled slightly as he kept repeating the same actions, it tickled a little bit but I enjoyed it.

"Want a piece?" I asked as I handed him a piece of large bacon that was set on my plate. He grinned and took the bacon without hesitation.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked as I dug into the eggs.

"I'm taking you out on a date this morning." He said it in a proud sort of tone.

"The whole day." He nodded and pecked me again. After breakfast we both got ready and since it was cold outside I decided to rug up in some skinny jeans, Jack Wills jumper and black converses. I had a bit of mascara on and lipgloss but that was it because I know Niall hates me wearing make up. I added some bangles and a bangled ring, grabbed my phone and bag and walked down to see Niall standing near the door in a plain jumper and jeans along with converses, we pretty much wore the same thing.

"Ready to go?" He piped up once he saw me, but stopped and stared at me.

"What's wrong?" I was getting confused wether I forgot something or I had something on my face.

"You're uh wearing make up today." He stuttered, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's only lipgloss and mascara, come on lets not let something small ruin the day." I smiled. He nodded and opened the door letting me out first and then closing it behind us. We walked hand in hand down to the park where we first met under the biggest oak tree there. I smiled remembering the times where we would just sit here and talk, share thoughts and kisses. Under the tree was a small park bench that Niall led me to and sat me down, soon sitting down next to me.

"Why are we here?" He started to get nervous and sweaty.

"I uh.....what I can't bring my girlfriend here." He joked. I laughed at him as he turned a slight blush of red. It started to get chilly as the wind gushed and made contact with my face, I shivered and wrapped the jumper around my torso more.

"You cold baby?" I nodded as he brought me closer to his side and wrapped his arms around me, I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat race when I moved around to get comfortable. Warmth took over the coldness in my body and I felt safe knowing I was in the arms of someone I dearly loved.

I heard birds tweet to the others and leaves rustle around as the wind hit them. The children screaming in the far distance and the parents talking among themselves. A few couples walked past us and smiled. Niall had his chin on the top of my head and his hands trailed up and down my back, my arms wrapped around him and his around me. Every now and then he would whisper sweet nothings in my ear about how beautiful I was and how much he loved me. We sat there for probably 20 minutes, just resting in each others arms and away from the cameras and screaming fans. All of a sudden Niall stood up, leaving me on the bench. I pouted and looked at him confused of what happened.

"You know I love you right?" He whispered as he cupped my face. I nodded slowly.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I croaked. His face dropped and the smile was gone.

"What? NO! Why would I leave such a beautiful creature as you, I was actually thinking of the opposite." He said as he got down on 1 knee and grabbed my small hands in his. My mouth hung open a bit at what he was doing.

"Colette, I love you so so much. Just of you thinking I was going to leave you broke me. I love everything about you from you brown hair to your blue eyes that could hypnotise anyone that looked into them. I love how you laugh at something that could be so simple. I love your smile that could light up the whole room. I love how when you talk.....uh look what you do to me. Last night was amazing and I want to do it again but for a reason. I want to spend my life with you baby, I want to create a family with just you, me and little me's and you's. So will you do me the honours of becoming Mrs. Horan.....for me?" By now I was full on crying at his little speech, my mascara was everywhere and running down my cheeks. He pulled out white velvet box and opened it to reveal a silver diamond ring with speaks of gold.

"A million times YES!" I screamed and hugged him. He laughed and clutched me in his arms, I pulled back and wiped the mascara that was messed up and kissed him with lust and passion.

"I knew I shouldn't of worn mascara." I giggled. Soon clapping and cheers were around us and we looked up to see Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn with cameras and smiles. The girls were there as well doing the same thing and Paul. I laughed and hugged Niall again, knowing I would soon be Mrs. Horan.


Thanks to Colette who requested via inbox for this imagine. Sorry if it's to short but I just really wanted to get to the point where he proposes and you know.

Jezabel01 Xx

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