He Misses/Forgets Your Birthday - Part 2

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His P.O.V

How can I be so so stupid to forget an angels birthday. She relied on me to remember her birthday and I just blew all the trust between us. I should have gotten home as soon as I was told, instead of spending 3 fucking hours at the store for her. I pretty sure she would rather have me here cuddling her than a present, but I spent so much money on 1 tiny silver diamond for her to wear on her finger. Ugh I'm so stupid.

I got up off the couch, put the box in my jean pocket again and wiped my tear stained face. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to our bedroom. I was about to open the door when I heard quiet little sobs from on the other side of the door, and it broke me in 2 knowing that it was me that made her feel like this, like everyone forgot about her.

I turned the metal knob on the door and opened it slightly. The creaking sound of the door got her attention as I closed it behind me. She looked at me with her hair in a mess, red cheeks, pale face and eyes that are dull as anything.

"Hey." My throat was sore from the crying that I did on the couch downstairs, but I'm pretty sure her vocal cords wouldn't be able to work. All I got was a sniffle in return.

"The only reason why I didn't come home straight away was because later on I was going to go down to the jewellers to pick up this that I got made especially for you." As I said that, I pulled out the small box out and showed her. I kneeled next to the bed on both knees and leaned on the soft matress.

"They weren't open when I got there, so I had to wait a good 2 hours for them to open the store." She started crying again and took the box from my hands and opened it up. She cried even harder when she saw the ring, I didn't know if she liked it or hated it.

"I'm sorry. I guess I overreacted and I should of let you tell me." She crawled up and wrapped her small arms around my neck and I got on the bed, still wrapped in her arms. I cradled her until she calmed down.

"So (Y/Full/N), will you do me the honours of making me the happiest man alive and become my wife?" She got up and stared at me for a few minutes, and I was starting to get worried.



His P.O.V

I knew I forgot something. As soon as she said those dates, I froze and didn't know what to do. The first thing that came to my mind was,

'Make her feel special'

So I ran down to the video store and grabbed a whole heap of videos ranging from sad, romantic, soppy films to funny and scary ones. I grabbed 4 big bags of fairy floss and popcorn and headed back home.

I felt guilty as hell, and I tried my hardest not to let the guilt filled tears slowly trickle down my cheeks. I should of remembered it was my princesses birthday today, but the thing is she didn't tell me and she just let me get drunk and have fun with the boys while she stayed at home and probably cleaned, since thats what she does when she's sad and depressed.

I opened the front door and walked into the living room, setting down the bags full of the things I bought for her. From upstairs, I heard a door open and the sound of feet softly padding down the the living room. When I looked up all I saw was a puffy eyed and sweaty (Y/N). It broke me in 2, literally, to see her like this and knowing that it was me actually killed me instead.

"What did you buy?" She croaked out, gesturing towards the plastic bags on the coffee table. I grabbed the bags and made my way over to her.

"I got movies, fairy floss and popcorn. Big bags too." She chuckled and went through the bags, still sniffling a bit.

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