He Asks You To Move In

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(Y/N) = Your name

Liam: After finally graduating high school, you pursued your dreams of going to college at the beautiful city of London. Liam, your best friend of five years, was the first person you called, upon arriving at London. He helped with your luggage and offered his flat for you to stay in until you found a place to permanently settle in. The next few days were spent with Liam, catching up and exploring London. "Thanks again Liam for letting me stay here for a while. I really appreciate it." You said gratefully. "I told you (Y/N), it's no big deal. As a matter of fact, why don't you just move in?" He said all of a sudden. "What? Liam no! I don't want to be a bother and-" "(Y/N) you're my best friend. College is already expensive itself, and i don't want to living alone without protection." He interrupted. You smiled at his thoughtfulness and kindly accepted his offer. "Thanks Liam." You said, giving him a tight hug.

Zayn: You were having yet another late night talk with Zayn since both of you couldn't fall asleep. "Babe, I think you should move in." He randomly said. You stared at him for a while before replying. "Zayn, it's not that easy. And I want you to think this through before you make any decisions." "I did. And I'm sure about it. (Y/N) we've been dating for almost three years now." He said, eyes drooping. "That's true. . ." You said, a small smile forming at your lips. "You sleepover here all the time, and lots of your clothes are here too. You practically live here." He said, his voice trailing off. You're smile grew. "Are you sure." You questioned. "Positive." He nodded sleepily. "Alright I'll move in then." You grinned. He mimicked your grin before drifting of into a deep sleep.

Louis: "Haha very funny Louis." You said sarcastically. "You're such a dork." You chuckled. He looked at you with a slight frown on his face. "(Y/N) I'm being serious." He said genuinely. Your eyebrows rose in shock. "Wait. Seriously?" You questioned. "Yeah." He said nonchalantly. "I could use a little company." He said with a small smile. It's not like you had a problem with living with Louis; you've been best friends ever since you were kids. You were just shocked at his sudden request. "What? Do you think it's a bad idea?" He asked. "No!! It's just. . ." You said, your voice trailing off, not really having an excuse. "Just what?" He interrogated. "Just nothing I guess." You chuckled. "Exactly." He beamed. "Let's go." He ordered. "Go where?" You asked confused. "To you're flat. Were gonna get your stuff. The sooner the better." He answered. What an eager boy.

Harry: You were watching a movie with Harry in his flat when he randomly asked you to move in with him. "W-what?" You stuttered, taken aback at his sudden demand. "What? It's no big deal." He shrugged. "But wouldn't I just be a. .burden?" You asked concerned. "Of course not (Y/N)!! I love spending time with you and having you here." He grinned. "Are you sure? I don't wan to be-" "Just say yes (Y/N)!" He chuckled. "Yes." You said quietly. He grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled you closer, eliminating all the space in between you. "Now we get to see each other 24/7." He whispered.

Niall: "You should moved in to my place." He slurred. You were at Zayn's party for the New Years and spent most of the time with your best friend,Niall. You both had gotten drunk after the first few drinks. "Hehe, okay." You giggled. "Good. That's goods. I'll be living with the girl i've always. . .loved." He said, eyes drooping. You giggled. "I've always loved you too. . ." You said before passing out. You woke in an unfamiliar place with a major headache. You turned your head and saw Niall wake up, rubbing his temples. Suddenly Zayn walked in with two aspirins and glasses of water in hand. "Finally! You guys are awake, you have been sleeping for eleven hours!!" "What happened?" You asked Zayn, taking the aspirins. "You guys got drunk. Then you agreed that you would move on with Niall and confessed love for each other." He shrugged, leaving the two of you. Your eyes went wide and your cheeks burned red. You looked at Niall who was mirroring your face. ". . .i didn't know you liked me?" He smiled. "Neither did I." A small smile forming on your lips. "So. . (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" He said grinning. "Of course!" You beamed and gave him a tight hug. "Happy New Years." He whispered, smiling.

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