He Leaves You When You Tell Him You're Pregnant - Part 2

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Harry- (2 Years Later) “Thank you for baby-sitting on such short notice. I really appreciate it.” You took Finley out of your baby-sitters arms. “No problem (y/n). My mom was a single mom, I know how hard it can be.” You smiled and handed her some money. “Now go have fun with whatever you kids do these days.” You laughed knowing you were only a year older than Amy. “Actually, my boyfriend is going to pick me up here if that’s fine.” “No problem hun, let me go put Finley down and then I will come back out. You just make yourself at home until he comes.” She sat on the couch as you took your baby boy to bed. He was asleep in your arms. Being a single mom was hard, but very worth it. You placed Finley down in the crib. He looked just like Harry. He had the curly brown hair, bright green eyes, and cute little dimples every time he smiled. It was hard to look at him sometimes. He looked so similar to the man you loved and the man who stomped on your heart. He even acted like him, at such a young age he was already trying to impress the ladies. You tried to never contact Harry. It was hard, one of those things when you dial his number than last second hang up. He didn’t bother calling you, why should you bother calling him. All you were worried about in your life was Finley, and you were fine with that. You gently kissed his brown mess of hair and walked back out sitting next to Amy. “So what’s your boyfriend like?” It was nice just talking like a normal girl. You were pretty young to have a baby and all your friends kinda deserted their non-partier friend. Her eyes lit up as soon as you asked her. “Actually, you have probably heard of him. His name is Harry Styles.” Your head jerked up in her direction. “I’m not lying! It’s him! We met at a restaurant and just got to talking! Isn’t it exciting!?” You tried to fake a smile. “Very exciting.” “So, (y/n) if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to Fin’s dad?” You looked down trying to decide if you wanted to tell her or not. “He was a jack-ass. He found out I was pregnant and left me.” Her mouth dropped and she wrapped her arms around you. “Oh, honey I’m so sorry! If that was my baby-daddy I would have torn his balls off.” You chuckled, then heard the doorbell. “I’ll get it. If it’s Harry I’ll tell him you’re in here.” You stood up and walked to the door. As soon as your hand made contact with the cold brass you felt nerves running up and down your body. What are you doing (y/n)? You should not do this. The doorbell rang again. I guess here goes nothing. You pulled the door open. “Hey, is Am-…(y/n)?” You leaned against the door and looked straight into his eyes. “Hi Harry.”

Louis- (3 years later) It was James, your son’s, birthday. “(y/n), I’ll go get the park set up. You go get James from day-care.” “You’re a saint.” You gave your friend a hug as she left. After you found out you were pregnant, you lost a lot of friends. I guess kids your age would rather be out drinking then helping babysit their friend’s kid. It was tough, but you met a lot of nice moms at your son’s daycare. Matter of fact, you should probably go get him. You got in your car driving to Happy Times. “Hey, (y/n). You here to get James?” You nodded and waited until your toddler came running towards you. He looked so much like Louis, the hair, the eyes, everything. “Hey babe. Happy birthday!” He clutched onto your leg. “Party time!” You laughed and picked him up. “Yes party time.” After you quickly checked out and buckled him in you were on your way to the park. “Mommy?” You saw his brown straight hair in the mirror. “Yes baby.” “Where’s daddy?” Your foot pressed harder down on the pedal, dreading this question. “All da’ kids at daycare have daddys. Why not me?” You kept your eyes on the road hoping he would forget the question. He didn’t. “Honey, when you were in mommy’s tummy…daddy decided he…wasn’t mature enough…for a baby. So mommy get’s you all to herself.” There was silence. You looked in the mirror, James was bent over in his car-seat sleeping. Thank god. You pulled into the parking lot, the moms had hung balloons from all the trees and it actually looked really cute. “James, honey wake up.” You unbuckled him. He jumped out of the car running to his cluster of friends. You walked over to the moms. “Thank you so much for doing all of this. It looks amazing.” You looked around at the party you wouldn’t have been able to put together alone. “No proble- James! No!” You looked to were your friend was yelling. James was running straight towards a busy street. You started to sprint after him. A man with his friends were walking by him. “Grab him!” The man looked up then to the little baby boy about to hurl himself into traffic, he reached out and picked James up. You ran to the man, realizing he looked very familiar. His eyes were glued to your baby…his look-a-like. Louis looked up at you. “(y/n),…is this my son?” You nodded. Shocked he looked back at his son.

Liam- (3 years later) “Mommy wake up!” You felt the rhythmic motion of your daughter jumping on your stomach. “Paisley, stop…” She resorted to sitting on your face. “Mommy it’s Mother’s Day. I got you a present!” You yawned and sat up knowing your chances of going back to sleep were very slim. “Grandma helped me pick it out! She bought it too!” You picked your daughter up off of your face and set her next to you. “Where is it, princess?” She grinned and jumped down running out of the room. You resumed your position, sleeping on your bed. Cold little hands touched your face. “No mommy, no sleeping.” “Okay, I’m up I’m up.” You sit up and pull Paisley onto your lap. She hands you an envelope. “I wonder what’s in it?” The cute little laugh of a small child fills the room. You tear the envelope carefully to see two tickets. You pull them out. One Direction :Row 1. Paisley looks at you grinning. “We’re going to sit front row at a One Direction concert! We also have backstage passes!” You fake enthusiasm, “Yay! That’s so exciting baby. Thank you so much. I love you.” You kiss her head, dreading next month. It was the night you had been wishing didn’t exist. Paisley and you flew down to where the concert was. Your mom even bought her a little One Direction t-shirt. Seeing Liam’s face compared to Paisley’s, you could see the resemblance, the hair, the nose, the eyes, everything. You took a taxi to the venue. “Mommy! Aren’t you excited!? I will get to meet my husband finally!” You laughed. “And who is that honey?” She squealed, “Harry! And You will marry Liam!” Your smile dropped and you looked ahead. “Why is that babe?” She was obviously oblivious to your sudden change in mood. “Because you guys would be cute together! And I know you will get married to him! And we can have a double wedding!” You smiled and picked her up as the taxi pulled to a stop. “We get to see them after the show okay?” She nodded erratically. The whole show you tried to not look at Liam, or any of the guys at that. After the show, Paisley grabbed your hand and dragged you backstage. As soon as she sees the boys, she sprints to them. They don’t move. They just stare at her, recognizing. Liam looks up at you. “(y/n)?” “No, I’m Paisley.” He looks back down at her. “(y/n) is my mamma.” Liam looks at you in shock.

Niall- (1 year later) Since no one knew about your relationship with Niall, it was fairly simple to be pregnant. Yeah, you did miss him. A lot. Annabelle did not help that longing for your old boyfriend. She looked just like him. All the features. She was like his twin but a girl. “Wahhh!” You struggled to open your eyes. You looked at your bedside clock 3:15. Ugh Anna…You went to her room, once again seeing the mini Niall in the crib. You picked her up and rocked her back and forth. Finally the screams died down, and soft breaths were the only things escaping her mouth. You tucked her back in and groggily walked to your room. The next morning you could barely stand. You walked to the kitchen to get some coffee, but of course you were out. “Anna, we are going to Starbucks.” Even though she couldn’t understand a thing you said, she was still your best friend. You dressed her in a little pink dress and left the house. When you arrived to Starbucks there was a gathering of girls. You stopped one of the girls. “If I may ask, what’s going on here?” She pointed towards the large sum of girls. “One Direction is he-…woah! Your baby looks just like Niall!” Her loud remark made others look and soon all the eyes were planted on you. One of the girls in the front even got the bands attention. They looked at you, instantly knowing who you are. Niall was staring at Anna, then he looked up at you. He walked towards you. “Is…is this her…my daughter.” You nodded realizing everyone had just heard what he had said.

Zayn- (3 years later) “Owen, honey where are you?” You heard your sons little voice impersonate a bird. You were playing hide and seek, and he was very good at this game. “Owen. Babe where are you?” Once again you heard his adorable bird call. You made your way around his room until you found him, his dark eyes peering out at you. “Found you.” He giggled and ran into your arms.  His tan skin and dark eyes reminded you so much of Zayn. “Babe, mommy has to go to the store. So get your shoes and I’ll grab your coat.” He ran off to find his pair of light up shoes. “Mom, why am I so pretty?” You smiled at his similar trait to Zayn. “I have no idea sweet pea.” You picked him up carrying him to the car and buckling him in. When you arrived at the store, he refused to walk, so you had to pick him up and carry him. “Babe, you’re going to have to walk. I need to get food. Okay? Stay close.” You set him down and continue to shop every once in a while checking to make sure he is still there. “Hun, do you want a treat?” No answer. You look down and see no more Owen. Your head snaps around looking. At the end of the aisle, you see Owen holding onto a man’s leg. You walk up. “I’m so-“ As soon as you made eye-contact with the beautiful stranger, you notice Owen has just found his dad. “Zayn…” “(y/n)…is he…is he mine?” You nod as Zayn looks down at your baby. 

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