You Get In A Car Accident - Louis and Harry

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Louis- You woke up once again, in the same white bright room, with the same annoying beeping noise. Your eyes were sluggish as you forced them open. “(y/c)?!” Someone was instantly at your side holding your hand, well four someones. When you fully regained your composure, you saw the band all at your side. Each one of them had dark purple circles under their eyes and old tears still damp on their pretty faces. Liam was the one holding your hand. You looked up at them. “Where is he?” You choked it out so quietly, you didn’t know if they could hear you. “Hun…he’s in a coma right now.” You felt new tears coming to your eyes. “He’s not dead though…just sleeping?” Harry nodded sadly. You sighed in relief, but soon new worry took over. “When will he wake up?” The urgency in your voice was much defined. “The doctor doesn’t really know…he assumes a week or so…Good news is you will be out of here in three days.” The three days passed quickly. You slept pretty much the whole time. When you got checked out, you didn’t even go home. You went straight to Louis’s room. He looked so pained. Bandages covering every inch of his body, the only thing assuring you he was still breathing was the annoying beep beep beep. Other than that. Dead. One day passed, then two, then three. This went on for seven days before he finally opened one eye. By now, the bandages around his face were removed. “Louis?” You quickly jumped to his side grabbing his arm but pulling away as he flinched. Both his eyes opened and so did his mouth. “(y/n), babe, what happened?” You started to cry tears of happiness. “Nothing hun, just get some rest.” He pursed his lips for a kiss, which you gladly gave him.

Harry- You looked around the deserted highway for anyone that could help, no one. You instantly remembered your cell phone that was in your bag. Praying that it still worked, you ran to the car. Your bag was shredded, but inside, one ounce of hope, a perfectly normal cell-phone. Quickly, you dialed 911. “Hello, what is your emergency?” The calm voice of the woman somehow made you more nervous. “Umm…my boyfriend and I hit a tree…he’s in the car passed out.” You started to cry as you explained where you were. “Okay, help is on the way. Please don’t hang up the pho-“ You cut her off by hanging it up. You had no time to sit and listen to her when you could be helping your boyfriend. You ran to the side of the car throwing open the driver’s side door.  Harry looked so peaceful but so lifeless at the same time. “Harry?! Harry?! Please talk to me!” You touched his face gently with your hand, caressing his cheek. One of his eyes twitched. “Harry!? Harry, can you hear me? Please wake up!” He opened both of his eyes. “(y/n), where are we?” You smiled, relieved. “Harry, we got in a car accident. Can you move?” You watched as he failed to move his legs and cringe in pain. “(y/n), it hurts,” he whimpered. “You wiped some blood off his face. “I know babe, don’t worry though, help is on the way.” Right as you said that you could hear the sirens and the lights coming closer. In a matter of minutes you were swarmed by help. They pulled you away from Harry against your will. As they checked to make sure you were okay, you could hear Harry’s painful shouts from being pulled out of the wreckage. “Will he be okay?” The person helping you quickly nodded, reassuring you. “He just broke a few bones and has a concussion, he should be fine though.” You nodded feverishly.  “Can I see him!?” The nice lady nodded and took you over to the stretcher he was on. Blood and tears were smeared on his face. You bit your lip trying not to break down in tears. “(y/n), sweetheart, don’t worry. I will be okay, I promise. Shhh, don’t cry baby girl. I love you.” You kissed his forehead and got onto the ambulance with him. In the end he was okay, just like he promised. 

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