He's Insecure

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Louis: "Love, which tattoo should I get?" Louis asked wanting your help to pick out yet another huge tattoo. "Another tattoo?" You said a bit disappointed in his addiction to getting inked lately. "Yeah. You don’t like my tattoo?" "No, I love them. I just want you to slow down on the ink. Why are you getting so many big tattoos?" He sighed. "I’m tired of being the closet gay in One Direction. I hate all of this Larry bullshit! I just need to seem more manly and not so fucking feminine!" He yelled, throwing the tattoo choice book across the room. You gasp and jump at his aggressive move. He immediately has his head in his hands, sobbing. You walk over to him, sit down next to him, and pull his head into your lap. You start slowly rubbing circles into his back, trying to calm him down.

Liam: You looked at your watch and saw that you were going to be late for your dinner reservations. “Liam, c’mon, we’re gonna be late!” You shouted upstairs impatiently. “I’m coming down.” Liam said in a bit of a raspy voice. He soon walked down the steps wearing black boots, black  skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. Your eyes widened in surprise of the image before you. Liam smirked at your reaction. “Whataya think?” “What the hell is this?” His face dropped after hearing your words. “I’m just trying to be more tough. People say I’m to soft so I thought if I acted tough they’d think I’m tough.” You sigh at his insecurity. “Liam, I don’t want a tough guy. I want a sweetheart who isn’t afraid to cry during a film. I love softly Liam. He’s the Liam I fell in love with.” He smiled and went upstairs to change into something a bit more him.

Niall: "Niall, dinner!" You shout down the hallway of your flat. Niall comes out from the bedroom and walks into the kitchen to see you made a big meal for tonight’s dinner. "Um, no thanks, princess. I’m not really that hungry." You look at him with confusion. "Niall, you haven’t eaten in 2 days. What’s wrong?" You ask him calmly. He stares down at his feet, tears filling his eyes. "I’m too fat…" He chokes out in a whisper. Your heart drops because you know this is because of hate. You rush over to him and engulf him in a hug, letting him sob into your shoulder. "Shh. You’re not fat, baby. You’re far from it. Don’t listen to them, okay? Please, just don’t believe anything they say, okay."

Zayn: He looks into the mirror and sighs in disappointment. You walk over to him and gently caress his cheek. “What’s wrong, Zayn?” You calmly ask, wanting to know why he’s upset. “Everything…” He chokes out. You give him a confused look. “Whenever I look at myself I notice every one of my flaws. My eyebrows, my nose, my smile…everything. I’m never perfect.” You sigh at his blindness. “Zayn nobody is perfect. That may sound cliche but it’s true. I love you and you have millions of fans who love you too. In their eyes, you are perfect just the way you are. Never forget that, Zayn.” He smiles, grateful for your help. “Thanks, Y/N.”


I kind of ran out of ideas for Harry. I don’t know what one of Harry’s insecurities would be. Sorry.

Jezabel01 Xx

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