The Voicemail He You After He Leaves

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Harry- You walked into your apartment dropping your bag. You had gotten back from the market and left your phone at home. As you picked it up, it said. 1 New Voicemail. You typed in your password. The robot voice rang in your ear, then deep smooth voice.

(y/n), Hey I know I’m probably the last person who want to hear…considering the fact that I’m the one who left. I miss you though. I know it’s been only a week, but I can’t stop thinking about you. Everything I do reminds me of you. I guess I’m calling to tell you I still love you. I understand if you don’t want me anymore…but I just thought you should now how I feel. Bye…Oh, it’s Harry by the way.

Louis- You were out at dinner with your friends. They were convinced that if you spent the night out on the town, you would forget all about your horrible breakup. It worked for most part, but as soon as you got in the cab and your phone lit up with a new voicemail, all of the memories came flooding back. The robotic woman’s voice ended then a deep voice full of sadness came on.

Hey (y/n), it’s Lou…the ass who left the best thing that has ever happened to him. I just called to see how your doing…I’m shit, if your wondering. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t do anything without knowing your mine. The guys are angry about how much I talk about you. I’m sorry I left so out of the blue. This was a bad idea, you probably don’t even like me anymore…well I guess I’m going to go…sorry…I just called to say I still love you…bye.

Liam- In order to forget about your messy breakup, you flew home. All the way home, not to your apartment but back to your parents house. “(y/n)!” You looked ahead at your mom and ran to her. After catching up and getting your stuff, you were sitting in the car. You pulled out your phone, and turned it on. After a few minutes, a new voicemail popped up. You entered your password, then heard the heartbreakingly beautiful voice play in your ear.

(y/n)? How’s it going? I know I ran out a couple weeks ago, but I literally can’t stop thinking about you. Everything I see, I can somehow connect you to it. I see your face every time I close my eyes. I can’t concentrate if I don’t fall asleep next to you at night. I shouldn’t have left. It’s my worst mistake and biggest regret. Please…when you get this, call me back and we can talk. I love you…bye.

Niall- Your One Direction ringtone played out. You checked your caller I.D. Niall. He was probably calling because he wanted to come get his stuff from your apartment. He broke your heart four days ago and you weren’t ready to hear his voice. A few seconds later, you felt your phone vibrate again. A new voicemail. You put your phone up to your ear and listened to his heart melting voice.

(y/n), I know you’re there…and I don’t blame you for not picking up. I wouldn’t either if I was in your position. It’s only been four days, but I feel like every time I don’t see you I die. I miss your voice. I have our old phone conversations saved. I listen to them every chance I get. I miss you. I miss your hair. I miss your smell. I miss everything. I know making this phone call qualifies me as the biggest douche every…but please lets not let this be it. Call me back when you get this. I love you.

Zayn- You stumble into your house slightly tipsy. Your friends forced you to go drinking, trying to get your mind off of your ex. It would have worked to except for the fact that you saw him there. So instead of coming home with a good looking guy who had an accent, you were coming home to yet another night of wallowing in your own self pity. In your drunk state your phone lit up with a new voicemail. You put it to your ear and heard Zayn’s drunk voice.

(y/n)?…are you…are you there? I *hiccup* I know I just saw you at the club…but I want to see you again. *hiccup* I…I miss you. And I know that may seem hard to believe, considering I’m the one who left. I do miss you though…a lot. And seeing you tonight, knowing you could have gone home with some other guy kills me. I’m real *hiccup* real sorry. Please, can we meet up and talk somewhere. I’m sorry. I love you. Call me.

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