You Have An Anxiety Attack

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crowds didn’t usually bother you but there was so many people today. you’re nervous as the car door opens. the screams seem louder now. it’s so loud. this doesn’t feel real. it feel like a movie. like this isn’t your life and it doesn’t feel good. you can feel you chest get tighter. it’s hard to breathe you hold tighter to harrys hand as you push your ways through the crowds. you feel dizzy. you’re brething is heavy. tears start to fall down your cheeks and you stop in your tracks covering your face with your hands. harry notices the abusunce of your hand in his and he turn around to see your state. he rushes over to you. “babe?” he questions you cry more you just want to curl up into a ball and disapear. his arm goes around you. “shh, it’s be okay come on we’re going to go inside…umm we’ll get you some water come on.” he says in a soothing voice you let your hands fall from your face. the tears still fall but your heat rate slows along with your breathing allowing you to make it inside. “is she alright?” louis asks concered as you slide to the ground your back against the wall. “i don’t know harry says crouching in front of you. and with that louis runs of to get you help. turns out you had a minor panic attack.


you were in the car on the way to zayn’s parents house for sunday dinner. this is the first time you were going to meet them and his sisters and you’ve been freaking out all day. the car pulls off of the high-way and you know you’re only minutes away from thier house. “zayn i can’t do this! they’re going to hate me!” you say along with a bunch of other things. you’re freaking out tears rushing down your cheeks you feel small like you have no control over anything. like some one else is controling your actions. your breathing is laboured. it’s difficult to breath. zayn pulls the car over to the side of the road. it wasn’t the first time he’d seen you have an anxiety attack. he stops the car. “babe.” he says. you just keep crying. “babe please look at me.” he says. you do keeping eye contact. he takes your hand in his rubbing comforting circles with his thumbs. “you’ll be fine, it’ll all be okay alright? we’re going to have a great time. they’ll love you. you’re going to be okay.” he says. slowly your tears stop and he just sits there continuing to hold your hands. “are you alright now love?” he asks. you nod allowing your breathing to go back to normal. “are you ready to go now?” he asks carefully. you nod again. “everything will be okay i promise.” he assures you.


louis was doing some recording at the studio today and you were coming along with him. a million thoughts ran through you head as you guys drove there. did i lock the door? did i turn off the stove? oh my god the house is going to burn down. the dog is in the house! oh my god all of our stuff. wait i forgot to turn off the tap. the bathrooms going to flood. why am i so stupid. louis is going to hate me. stupid i’m so stupid. you think to your self your hands shaking, your chest tighting. “babe? babe.” louis says. you turn to face him thought still running through your head a mile a minute. “we’re  here.” he says. you nods slowly shakily getting out of the car. oh my god i didn’t curl my hair today the boys have only ever seen my hair curly! what if they don’t like me like this? more things come to your mind. louis takes your hand in his. “babe you’re shaking.” he says. “did you take your medication this morning?” he asks. “no.” you squeek. “what are you thinking about?” he asks. “i’m so stupid, you’re going to hate me and the house is going to flood and burn down and the boys won’t like my hair and the dog is in the house we’re going to get arested for leaving our dog in a burning building.” you ramble on your shoulders tensing up and your heat rate speeding. “shh, love i double checked everything. nothing was left on alright nothing is burning or flooding. the dog will be fine and the boys have seen pictures of you with stright hair and they like it just the same.” he answers each of your worries. “i think i have some of you extra medication in the car.” he says going back to retrieve it. once he does he comes back to you. “now lets get you a glass of water so you can take this okay?” you nod following him iside.


you run around the house like a mad woman changing the beds and making dinner for yourself, your husband and your daughter. the dish washer over flowed earlier so you’re cleaning up bubbles and drying the kitchen floor. niall sits entertaining your daughter in the living room. his phone rings and he answers. when he gets off the phone he looks at you for a second before returning to his daughter. your go up stairs retrieving the laudry baskets to bring down to basement to wash there contents. niall follows you up the stairs putting your daughter in her crib. “that was management they want me to go into the studio for a bit today.” he explains standing at your bedroom door now. “and?” you ask leaving the room your arm brushing his on the way out. you head down stairs to the basement and sit on the floor seperating the laundry into dark light etc. “and you seem tense i don’t want to leave you.” he says. “i’m fine.” you tell him. you feel like you’re going to cry. the baby starts to cry and you jump up “no babe go to our room i’ll get her he says. you head up stairs lying down on the bed. the baby stops crying and niall comes into your room i’m not leaving you like this he says. you’re shaking like a leaf now. “what’s wrong?” he asks in a soothing tone. “i can’t do this!” you break down crying you’re chest feeling tight your shoulders and body aching. “the cooking, and cleaning and being a mom and a good wife.” you cry more it un-controlable. niall pulls you into his chest. “i’ll finish cleaning and i’ll make dinner tonight alright…you’re an amazing mother and the best wife in the world i’m so lucky to have you.” niall tells you getting you to calm down. “go to sleep.” he tells you. “stay with me?” “yeah i’ll be back in asecond i’m just going to tell them i can’t go to the studios.” he says kissing your forehead.


your wedding was in a three days. everything had to be perfect. you walked around the venue making sure everything was just as it was supposed to be. the table clothes were the right shade of white. there was enough chairs. the name tags at each place were in the correct place. the you noticed the center pieces. those arn’t the flowers you ordered. “liam!” you call him. he comes over to where you stand motionless infront of a table. “yes beautfiul?” “those arn’t the right flowers.” you say breathing heavier. your heat rate speeds up and your shoulders feel tense. your chest tightens and you put your hand over it. you feel like you’re having a heart attack. liam knows whats happening. he rubs your shoulders. “shh love it’ll be fine.” you shake you head. no it won’t how can it be this is going to ruin everything. they don’t match. they arn’t even the right color! he pulls out a chair getting you to sit down. he crouches infront of you. “baby i’ll call the flowrist and i’ll get this all sorted out by tomorrow.” he says. you shake your head. “no tomorrow is to late i won’t be able to double check them i’m goin to visit your mom.” you tell him. “okay then i’ll make sure it’s sorted by tonight. you can even wait right here until it’s fixed.” he promises. one of your friends comes over with a glass of water. “just sip on that alright i’ll be right back i’m just going to call the flowrist.” you nod taking another sip of water.

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