You Have A Miscarriage

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HARRY: “I’m very sorry. Perhaps it’s a bad time but there are other options. A surrogate mother or adopting .” The doctor says. 

Three. Three miscarriages in the past 2 years. Harry and you had been so excited when you first got pregnant. So saddened with the news it was gone. Exstatic you got pregnant again. Speechless you lost your baby again. And now a third. Three times the charm right? This time you were supposed to get your little angel. But instead you sit silent in the doctors office, tears running down your cheeks as you try to wrap your head around loosing your baby again. Harry is as speechless as you. He wraps his arms around you and you sob your body shaking as tears fall rapidly. Silent tears stain his face as well but he stays silent knowing there really isn’t anything he can say to bring your baby back.

ZAYN: you just got back from the hospital. You and your husband rushed there at three a.m when you started having sharp pains in in your stomach and found blood on the sheets beneath you. Turns out you had a miscarriage. Neither of you have really actually reacted. It’s as if you’re both in denial that you’re going to wake up and will just be a nightmare. You climb the stairs and walk into the bedroom. You look at your side of the bed the huge red stain. Finally reality kicks in and you fall to your knees crying. There’s footsteps but you ignore them. A pair of strong arms lift you from your spot on the hardwood floor. Your zayn sits down next to you pulling you into his lap. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. You can feel his tears on you skin as they fall. “Maybe we weren’t ready. Everything happens for a reason. We may not know it or know how to appreciate it right now but there’s a reason.” He whispers his voice surprisingly steady. You nod and he pulls you closer.

LOUIS: you need to tell Louis about your baby. You decide to send him a text telling him to Skype you. He complies. His smiling face appears on the screen. It kills you. He’s been the happiest man in the world. And all because he found out he was going to be a dad. He’s on tour and the interviews you’ve seen him on you can tell he’s excited. Now you’re going to crush all of that in just four words. “Babe what’s wrong? Are you alright?” He asks. You shrug. “Not really.” You admit. “Awe love tell me what’s the matter.” You can feel the tears build up in your eyes. “Hun please.” ” I lost the baby.” You spit out letting the tears fall. The usual fun loving funny joking Louis leaves his face goes pale and his expression changes from smiley to serious in just five seconds. ” I’ll be home soon.” He says and disconnects before you can object.

NIALL: you run down the street ignoring the paps who ask questions and snap pictures of you crying. You burst through the front door and into your empty house your husband is at the studio. You drop your purse and run into the basement. You went for your first ultrasound only to find out your baby had no heart beat. You grab the bottle of wine from the liqueur cabinet. You chug and chug. Done. Smash! The bottle breaks across the floor. You grab the next bottle of alcohol. Vodka. You stumble across the room and fall in the corner your balk against the wall. You sit and sip the liquid. It burns your throat as it goes down it’s like fire and you like it. Your eyes water. Maybe because of your loss maybe because of the fire in your throat. The front door opens and closes up stairs. “Princess?” His wonderful Irish accent calls through the house. His footsteps cross the floor. He goes upstairs to look for you. After a while there’s footsteps then the sound of his feet carrying him down the stairs to the basement. You try to disappear into the wall curling your body around the bottle holding it close to your body like a life line. “Oh my god! Don’t drink that! You’re going to kill the baby!” He exclaims trying to take the bottle. ” nope. The baby is gone already. There was no heart beat.” You tell him “you still can’t drink that!” He tries to take it again it’s like tug of war before he finally wins. He sets the bottle down on the floor pulling you close to him. You sob and tears run down his cheeks. ” we’ll try again” he promises.

LIAM: you curl up on your couch. You just can’t tell him. He’ll hate you. Maybe that’d be okay. You don’t deserve him. You killed your baby. Not on preposterous but it died. You must’ve done something wrong. “Baby what do you want for dinner?” Liam calls from the kitchen. “Nothing.” You call back. “You have to eat something. You didn’t have lunch either. Are you sick?” “No Liam I’m fine.” ” so what do you want?” He asks walking into the living room “baby what’s wrong? What’s on your mind?” He asks crouching in front of you and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Why do you love me?” You ask perplexed as to how anyone could love you. “Because you’re beautiful, and smart and kind and funny how could I not love you?” You shrug ” why do you ask?” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry.” You start to cry” you ca leave me! I’m a terrible person. I killed our baby it’s gone. I deserve to die too.” He looks at you in shock. He hugs you tight. ” shah don’t say that you don’t I love you… We can try again. I’m not going to leave you I’m staying right here.” He promises taking your left hand and pressing a kiss to your engagement ring.

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