You Get Hate (Zayn Louis)

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Louis: You fluttered your eyes open only to see that your boyfriend, Louis, wasn’t lying next to you. Suddenly you heard the shower water turn on, so he obviously was taking a shower. You got up for a quick second to grab your laptop, then rushed back under the warm covers. You opened up Twitter only to see a large amount of hate directly to you. You couldn’t believe the things they were saying. “(Y/Ship/N) is just a publicity stunt! Louis doesn’t really love (Y/N)! It’s all fake! Trust me!” You shut your laptop and just sat in bed waiting for Louis to finish his shower. Once he walked out of the bathroom in grey sweatpants and his superman t-shirt he crawled over to you. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked pushing some hair behind your ear. “Do you love me, Louis?” You blurted out with no hesitation. “What? Of course I love you. Why would you even have to ask?” He replied confused at your strange question. “It’s just…people on twitter are saying that this is just a publicity stunt and that you don’t love, you never did.” You told him as a stray tear slid down your cheek. He wiped it away, cupped your cheek and pulled you in to a passionate kiss. As he pulled away a huge grin spread across your face. “Do you believe that I truly love you, now?” You nodded and stayed in bed all day cuddling.

Zayn: You never thought it would come to this. You were checking Twitter real quick then you were gonna go and watch some movies with Zayn, but that changed once you read all the nasty rumors spreading about you. You skimmed through a few but by the fifth one you couldn’t take it anymore, so you threw your phone across the room. It hit the wall and broke into pieces. You immediately sunk to the floor with your face hiding behind your knees and tears streaming down your face. Zayn quickly rushed in the bedroom only to see his once happy, relaxed girlfriend having a break down. He broken phone pieces scattered across the other side of the room. He knew you always got hate but never stuff that would cause you to be in this position. He scrolled though messages to you like “I heard (Y/N) has an STD. I knew there was something wrong with her!” and “Why don’t you go and take your AIDS somewhere else, you hoe?!” Zayn just shut Twitter, rushed to your side, and pulled you into a tight hug where he let you burst out into tears on his shoulder. “Just fuck them, (Y/N). Ignore everything they say. As long as I love you nothing will hurt you. I’m here for you. Just let it all out. It’s okay, I’m here now.” He whispered into your hair and kissing the top of your head.

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