He Cheats On You - Part 2

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Harry-  Recap: As you swung the door open, your friend emerged from the small closet in only a bra and underwear, the rest of her clothing bundled up neatly in her arms. You took a deep breath then turned to Harry.

His eyes dashed back and forth between you and your naked friend. They finally landed on you. “Babe! I’m so sorry! I have no idea why I did that! Please, I’m sorry.” You just shook your head no and walked to your friend. “Don’t ever talk to me again. Ever. I hate you.” You spun on your heel not giving Harry a second look, and walked out. You didn’t stop, you just kept walking. When your senses came back and you realized you were outside, in a park. You sat down on the ground and began to cry.   “(y/n)!” As you turned, you were tackled to the ground. Tight warm arms were wrapped around you, already knowing who it was you just put your face into his chest. “Why!? Why!?” You pulled away slightly to look at his face. Tears were cascading down his face like a waterfall. “I’m so sorry…She came in the room and stripped down. I should have stopped her, I should have stopped her but I didn’t. I wish I did. I’m so sorry. I love you more than anything in the whole world. Please, one more chance. I will do anything, I will eat cat food, or shave my head.” Even though you were crying, a small smile broke on your lips. “You would eat cat food for me.” His arms pull you to him tighter. He kisses your head. “I would do anything for you.” You felt his cold lips press against yours. You smiled into the kiss and whispered, “Lets go home.”

Liam- Recap: The fact that he had a huge hangover didn’t make you any more sympathetic. Liam looked at you. “Err…I was drunk. I didn’t mean to have sex with her.”

Your eyes widened in shock. “I didn’t ask if you had sex with her! I asked where you were!” He looks down. “Err…we went to a hotel…(y/n) I’m so sorry. I was super drunk! I didn’t know what I was doing. Please…” You shook your head, disgusted. “I…can’t…No. why?…Am I not enough?…” You looked away from him, tears falling down your face. “No. No. No. That’s not it! You are more than enough! I promise! I love you…so so much…I would die without you…I love you.” You looked up at his face. Water was running down his face, proving to you that he was telling the truth. You nodded your head, allowing him to run and wrap his arms around you. “(y/n), I am so so sorry. I love you.” He pulled away from the hug then crashed his lips to yours. You continued his action and kissed him back.

Niall- Recap: You looked over him at his phone that just buzzed. Already pulled up was Bridget’s message. “Babe, what are you reading?” You rolled off of Niall. “You had sex with her!?”

His grogginess of the morning instantly left. “Bridget? No…we didn’t have sex…” You stood up throwing on sweats. “Niall, don’t lie to me. I just saw her text!” Quickly, he reached over and exited out of her message. “Babe…we didn’t have sex…we watched movies.” You laughed humorously. “Yes because people always say “Thanks for being my first” everyone says that after watching movies.” He looked around the room trying to find a hint or something that could help him. “Princess…yes we did have sex…I’m so sorry about it. I really don’t know why I did it.” You looked around the room shocked, biting your lip to keep the tears from spilling out. He took a step towards you, but you took a step back. “No don’t come near me. I don’t want to see you or hear you, or even have you in the same room as me!” “(y/n), I can’t even say how sorry I am! Please don’t leave me. I won’t be able to eat, sleep, or survive without you!” You looked down, slowly accepting his apology. “(y/n). Please if you give me another chance I will never do anything to hurt you. Please I need you. Your my world.” He was blubbering through tears. Slowly, you walked to him and wrapped your arms around him. “I love you.” He smiled and kissed your head. “I love you too.

Zayn- Recap: “No Zayn, don’t play that shit on me. I fucking got you the shirt that you are wearing in it! Who are you kissing?!” You heard his nervous breathing, then the phone went dead. You pulled your phone away from your ear and saw that he had hung up on you.

 Right away, you called him back. After three rings he answered. “…Hello?…” “Zayn! Who were you kissing!?” The phone was silent again. You thought he had hung up on you once again. “(y/n), she was just a random girl…I’m really sorry…please it was a small kiss.” This time it was your turn to hang up. Annoyed you threw the phone at your wall and fell back onto the couch. A few hours later, you felt warm lips touch your head. Your eyes fluttered open to Zayn. Still tired you yawned not fully comprehending what was happening. “What are you doing home? I thought you were on tour.” He lifted your head up and not a minute later it was placed on his lap. “I get the next couple days off.” Reality slowly came back to you. You widened your eyes as you noticed whose lap you were on. You flung yourself upwards, facing Zayn. “Who the fuck was that girl you were kissing!?” He looked startled at your sudden mood swing. “Honey! I’m sorry! She was just a fan. She came up and said it would make her day if I kissed her. I missed you…so I kissed her.” His story seemed pretty concrete except for one thing. “Then why did you hang up on me?” “We were just getting out of the bus…I needed to hang up before we were by all the screaming fans.” Not feeling like arguing with him on his few days off you leaned forward and kissed him. He smiled and kissed you back.

Louis- Recap: “Err shit, one second.” It was the sound of a man. “Louis, is that you? Why are you in a girls restroom?” The door opened and out stumbled a very pretty girl and Louis, both barely dressed.

 The girl quickly grabbed her clothes and ran out the door. You turned back to Louis who was still sitting on the ground. “What the fuck was that!? I literally just walked in on you having sex with another girl!” He stood and put his clothes on. “No…well yeah…but I didn’t mean too. She was a fan and she wanted a kiss…when I gave it to her she continued the kiss and somehow we ended up in here…” You laughed, not amused. “You just ended up in here? Like poof, your in a stall with a naked girl. Is that what happened?!” The sarcasm in your voice soaked the room in tension. “I am so truly sorry. So sorry. Please, let’s just go back to the bus. I will leave the signing early. Just i’m so sorry…I love you so much and I’m such a dick for cheating on you.” He stooped down to his knees. “Please, please, please.” You looked away so he wouldn’t be able to see the smile that was pulling at your lips. “Fine. Just never do it again.” He jumped up and wrapped his arms around you tightly. “Never again.” He gently placed his lips on yours. “I love you.”

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